
Congratulations!!!! Nur Amalina Che Bakri scored 17 A1s in the SPM exam.
That includes seven subjects not offered by her school. She did not need to rely on any extra hours of private tuition.
Nur Amalina will receive her detailed results from Education Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein tomorrow at a special ceremony at her school, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Ulu Tiram.
Nur Amalina's was greatly inspired by Mahatma Gandhi doctrine that, ‘The measure of success is not the result but the effort’.
"I also remember reading about a girl who scored 15 A1s in her SPM and I thought if she could do it, why couldn’t I?" said Nur Amalina.
Nur Amalina scored 5As in the UPSR and 8As in the PMR.
This is great news for the malays. It is clear that the malays had equal and possibly more ability than any other races when it comes to academic excellence and achievement. It clearly indicates that any person who aspires success and works hard to achieve the goals shall be blessed by the Almighty God.
I strongly believe that there are more of Nur Amalina within our community, be they Chinese, Malays, Indians, Kadazan, Iban, Malanaus, etc, etc. For one thing is clear, Malays are NO under-achievers, and they DO NOT need CLUTCHES! Only UMNO believed they are; not the others, including me. Those who need clutches are inside UMNO as the political system had ensured that UMNO members will not be able to grow up to be able to be independent and high achievers. This is due to the fact that UMNO had leaders that splashes projects to their proxies and cronies and in turn, these proxy cronies would sell the projects to others, not necessarily Chinese or Indians, but include Bumis too. This happens because they believed in the philosophy and doctrine of quick monies and fast track wealth accumulation and it is at the expense of tax-payers money.
The next question arise: "Nur Amalina wants to be a gynaecologist, and perhaps one day, the first woman Prime Minister of Malaysia.
Would the authorities grant her this wishes by offering her a scholarship in the best medical college, or would they offer her the Serat Kayu Degree, or a degree in biology or Japanese studies?
University Malaya medical faculty dean Datuk Prof Dr Mohd Amin Jalaludin and the Higher Education Minister had recently said that "Good grades do not necessary make good doctors." So, how are they going to judge her? God forbid that the power that is would act to prevent her from her journey to her dream destiny. And I hope one day, she would achieve her dream to be the Prime Minister, or maybe, the Menteri Besar of Johor.
Not clutches you idiot...
Clutches are those slim purses girls carry, or the one you step on to switch gears in your car. The "clutches" you are talking about are crutches...Tongkat right???
Want to comment also... brush up your english first lah.
hai mr. anonymous. it was a harsh comment you have here. To correct others are good things, I believe this is a good article. An effort I say. But these "Want to comment also... brush up your english first lah." is hillarious!..broken English
enuff said . - anonymous too
Hi Anonymous NO.2,
Thank U very much!
Hi Anon NO.1,
You know what is Clutches? G0 check the dictionary ok?
Let me give you the definition:
"to grasp or hold with or as if with the hand, usually strongly or tightly,"
You think you are damn good in English? huh!!!!
errrr mr sm, i think anonymous no.1 is correct. according to wiki:
Clutch (disambiguation)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Look up clutch in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
A clutch is a mechanism for transmitting rotation, most often in vehicles.
Clutch may also refer to:
Clutch (pin fastener), a device used to secure pins
Clutch (band), a musical group from Germantown, Maryland
Clutch (eggs), a collection of eggs in a single nest
Clutch (handbag), a purse designed to be carried (clutched) in one's hand
Clutch (sports), referring to performing well under extreme pressure in sports (American)
Clutch (mascot), the mascot of the Houston Rockets
Clutch (G.I. Joe), a member of G.I. Joe
CLUTCH (magazine), a small press literary magazine
A character in the Degrassi series played by Steve Bedernjak
A slang word referring to the aesthetic term "cool"
Dear Anon No.3,
Since you all prefer to be anonymous, I don't have to explain.
For your information, Clutch also means:
Main Entry: clutch
Pronunciation: 'kl&ch
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English clucchen, from Old English clyccan
transitive verb
1 : to grasp or hold with or as if with the hand or claws usually strongly, tightly, or suddenly
intransitive verb
1 : to seek to grasp and hold clutched at her hand
2 : to operate an automobile clutch
synonym see TAKE
You can refer to www.merriam-webster.com
Words can have many meanings and depends on the writer. I need no teaching and I wish to humbly say that I am well-educated, possibly more educated than Anon 1.
I have no disrespect to anyone, whether he is highly educated or illiterate. But Anon 1 called me an Idiot and that's contempt and an act of utmost disrespect to me. I don't need to show him any respect since he had factually shown that he doesn't deserve.
hahahaa....nice one everybody....yeah keep doing this and we can have a brighter future!
Hi Maverick. You wrote "they do not need clutches" in your article and further offered more definitions and the word is a verb. From your argument on the correct word to use with commentators, I can read that sentence in a number of ways - “they do not need..... (insert the definitions of clutches):-
– to grasp or hold with as if with the hand or claws usually strongly, tightly, or suddenly.
– to seek to grasp and hold clutched at her hand.
– to operate an automobile clutch
Correct me if I’m wrong, your intention was to mean “they do not need – hand-outs, special privileges & support”. Hence, the word “crutch” should be used not clutch which is a verb.
Anon 1 who called you an idiot is an idiot himself/herself. A person who calls another person with such derogatory words is an insecure person who needs to make another person look inferior in order for them to feel superior. However, being well-educated does not exempt you from making mistakes. I hope you do not take offence. When someone accuses you of erring, do check before you lambast him/her. It’s good that someone points out your errors so that you can improve. But Anon 1 really is rude & not helpful.
Karen, well said. In context, to me the word “crutch” should be used. Thanks
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no need to gaduh ~ just shut up and enjoy the article ! :DD
ok... you said this girl will be a malaysian first prime minister... right... now look these blog i found somewhere in internet... there is no way she can be a malaysian prime minister with these history of her...
Anons ~
if thats her.. she's a stupid dumb ass bitch that need slapping! how can she pose like that.. look at her parents and compare to herself right now.. the upbringing of her parents is what it should describe on her now.. that pic with her alone.. she looks like punk! i lived in UK.. and punk dressed like that.. and there's loads more malaysian student studying in UK.. but still wear tudung and keep her vanity private! but this one.. is an awe! cakap melayu pun ada slang slang.. wei.. aku duduk sini nak dekat 15 tahun pun tak cakap macam lu lah Amalina.. porah! academic achievement tinggi tapi bodoh gak.. apa da! fail la lu minah!
I agree with Karen. The right word to use is crutches in the context intended to be used by the writer. Why is it that so many people have the need to comment on Amalina? If you can't say anything nice, just keep your mouth shut. Let her grow,develop her own identity. Life is a journey after all. Being able to get such sterling results in her circumstances is something really amazing and it does make us proud of her achievement. However, we need to support her and not bring her down. All the people who talk badly of her shows only one thing --- they are jealous, that's all. Give constructive comment and advice, not malicious feedback that only reflects ugly intent of the person who writes it.
She is amazing, but she's not the only one. As a Malay, she's disappointing. Maybe some of you, who are not a Malay, hence most of you do not understand. Able to get sterling results doesn't mean need to change in order to find your own identity, you still can find your own identity provided you don't neglect the teachings of your religion and culture - which her parents cultivate that knowledge since she was young! A lot of Malay graduates, whom came back from UK or USA, the ones who are wearing hijab, able to keep their vanity private and even better - bringing home a certificate - the finishing results of their effort! They're still be able to get an awesone job with awesome salary in Malaysia. Who said you need to change like she is now in order to live up your dreams? What Amalina has done is disgraceful! Its too bad, apparently people in Malaysia are talking about her, and so she became a hot topic of the year. But thats how its going ain't it? Like I said earlier, if you're not a Malay, you will never understand! For some of us the Malays, this is disgraceful.. period! That's how much the constructive words need to be said! This is not about jealousy or anything like that. She don't deserve to be compliment as a woman. She's 23 now, I hope she's change and realise this! If you're a Brits, be a brits.. but if you're a Malay, be a Malay. Don't try to be like Brits, no matter how hard she try - posing like that etc... she's still a Malay.
she is just 23, she still has a long road to go before she can develop into your so-called "perfect" Malay. Nobody is perfect in this world. It is a process after all to obtain the status of 'insan kamil'. How do you know the people who wore hijab did not go through the same thing as she does? Are you an all-seeing being who knows each and every one inside out? Are you "God"? As long as one is still alive, he or she still has a chance to redeem himself or herself in the eyes of God.Until she reaches that stage, there is no need to further alienate her. You are not helping her to the right path at all.
both are idiots
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