Friday, June 24, 2005

Kas Kas BN Parliamentarian

kas kas Posted by Hello

After few days of heated warring debate between the Barisan Nasional MPs on the Crimean U, culminated by the suspension of a deputy minister, Barisan MPs found themselves mouth-cuffed and brain-cuffed and what's left is to pick up non-confrontational issues. They now turn their attention to the mamaks in Malaysia.

The parliamentary debates now centered on the issue of mamak restaurant. The issue is that mamak is doing too well and are running 24 hours business which may be bad for Malaysians who may lepak till the wee hours of the morning and may get themselves addicted to the delicious mamak food. The hypothesis centered on the presumption that Malaysians are getting addicted to mamak food because the food contains addictive kas kas, which works like cannabis.

Barisan MPs were told that kas kas herb used to make mamak food tasty are addictive and wants the government to ban the herd as they believe this herd is equivalent to Cannabis.

“That is why a lot of people think that mamak food is so delicious,” said Mohd Said Yusof, the BN MP for Jasin, at the current Parliamentary session.

Mohd Said call the government to look into the increasing number of mamak restaurants, especially those who operate 24 hours. His concern is that the youth are using the place to lepak into the wee hours of the morning.

The opposition members voiced their grief that BN MPs are now wasting everybody’s time by indulging in tit-bites and mamaksans.

So, since BN parliamentarian cannot question any wrong decision by any government department, they have to pick up some mini-issues not related to the system failures. So, the unfortunate party now is the mamak community and more unfortunate is that they don't have Mahathir to defend them anymore.

Next probable debate parliamentary issues on the line: tasty hawker food is unhygenic, garbage collectors increasing because of jobless grads, wet market are getting dry, public toilet needs landscaping to attract people to use it, private toilet must be licenced because DBKL needs contribution, dress-code of air-stewardess must be scanned, hair-code and headscarf fine to include non-muslim, toilet-papers missing in public toilet and found sold in pasar malam, baby-sitters must attend courses conducted by CIDB and to be accredited, how to spent the newly offered weekends doing a diploma course, how to spent a healthy life without spenting money and screwing up your credit-card, how to earn little, but spent little, and how to blame others for your own weaknesses.

Since there is no mega projects to shout about, no economic priming to debate, and nothing innovative for the parliamentarian to boast about, the attention must now be redirected to trivialization of nonsensical issues, knowledge re-management and to make them huha in order to submit their report-cards to score-points in parliament.

Welcome to the recycling world of creative problem generation, and then innovative solution making. This is the keyed 'preformance' - the new system of measuring the directed area of performance of the public sectors and parliamentarians.

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