Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Love Suicide

Love suicide?

Men can't live without a wife. Here is a case of maybe, too many wives ....

A lorry driver, angry with his two wives for fighting over him, took weed killer in front of them. On Sunday, the 40-year-old man was at his mother’s house in Felda Kekwa, Jengka 5, Maran, with his second wife, whom he had married in January. At about 3.30pm, his first wife showed up to pick up their youngest child. An argument ensued and despite his repeated pleading to stop the racket, the two women continued trading insults. In a fit of anger, the man went to the back of the house and return with a bottle of weed killer.

Holding up the bottle, he said to his wives: “Tengok ni, tengok ni! (See this, see this!)”.

The man then proceeded to pour the contents of the bottle into his mouth.

The man, who has four children with his first wife, is now fighting for his life.

Take good care husbands! That's the price you may have to trade in exchange .....

Hi wives of him, now both of you may not have him anymore ......

sori....... no hard feelings .......

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