Two Nanyang Polytechnic students decided to video-record their sexual acts using their handphones. For whatever reason, the video clip was widely circulated in the websites and many of the fella students received the clips for their amusement.
Pity the young pair of students who are only 17-year-old. Now, they had become an amateur porn stars in conservative Singapore.
Pity the young pair of students who are only 17-year-old. Now, they had become an amateur porn stars in conservative Singapore.
The sensitive parts of the pictures had been culled!
The girl, identified as Tammy, a 17-year-old Nanyang Polytechnic Information Technology student had taped a sex act with her boyfriend on her mobile phone.
According to one blog entry,, the cheerleader’s mobile phone was apparently stolen by a girl who was jealous of her popularity. The thief found the 4.8MB video, uploaded it and mass e-mailed it to lecturers and other students. According to the blog , the couple were seen having sex in various positions in the 10-minute long video.
A group of hackers was also believed to have retrieved Tammy’s personal details from the school’s database and distributed it. Blog entries about this incident started on Thursday but bloggers noted on their sites that they didn't want to be seen as distributing pornographic material by posting the video.
So, the advancement and improvement of video technology, making it easily available and affordable to most people, could cause these youngsters and include adolescence, who decides to utilise the technology to better their fun of life may in return, cause them greater harm.
So, should people tape their own sexual acts using the handphone?
I wouldn't!
According to one blog entry,, the cheerleader’s mobile phone was apparently stolen by a girl who was jealous of her popularity. The thief found the 4.8MB video, uploaded it and mass e-mailed it to lecturers and other students. According to the blog , the couple were seen having sex in various positions in the 10-minute long video.
A group of hackers was also believed to have retrieved Tammy’s personal details from the school’s database and distributed it. Blog entries about this incident started on Thursday but bloggers noted on their sites that they didn't want to be seen as distributing pornographic material by posting the video.
So, the advancement and improvement of video technology, making it easily available and affordable to most people, could cause these youngsters and include adolescence, who decides to utilise the technology to better their fun of life may in return, cause them greater harm.
So, should people tape their own sexual acts using the handphone?
I wouldn't!
Are you sure you wouldn't!!!!
I think why not because after all most man do watch and love to watch movie on this .
Now, the only different is just watching yourself doing it. Don't it become more excited to watch yourself and your partner. So you could judge whether do you look good or not when you are doing!!!
And the best part you could watch the ugly side of yourself and your partner, not many people got the gut to do it.
I suggest tonite you should try!
Hi anonymous,
First, Please sign in with a call-sign of nick-name!
Second, it really isn't fun to watch yourself in a video as the video can produce good shots unless you are a professional video expert.
Third, the greatest fun is not watching, but actually doing the act, the act of lust and fantasy.
Fourth, after the act, the next act will be the best of the best! What is that? Try me first,; you will know!
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