Ok, I'll try... and if it's crap, don't swear, ok? Merdeka Poem? I had to write, otherwise Zam will say I'm not patriotic ...
Merdeka, Merdeka, Merdeka!
This is shout of Independence,
from a multi community of interdependence.
49 years of Independence we had look back and forth,
hoping to discover the purpose henceforth.
While we called ourselves Malaysians,
while we despair of not achieving a Malaysia for Malaysians,
while we still being labeled by individual races instead of monolithic Malaysians,
we look forward towards a Malaysia for all Malaysians.
Fortunately there remains a modicum of intelligence and justice,
that suffice to cure any defaults of the system of injustice,
sufficient to maintain harmony and peace.
We shall remember our forefathers era,
and the shouts of Merdeka, Merdeka, and Merdeka,
to all Malaysians, be ye Maya, Indiana or Cina,
we are Malaysians in recognition of Merdeka.
P/S: Is this ok, Wingz????
err latuk ah .... this poem kena be in BM baru can see we very patriotik ler lol
No write in BM...Mahathir say Go English ah!!!!
mave good try -- from poet-asspirant (xpired oso cun!) judge.
Now expand to 49 rhyming lines and send over to Desi by Email; better still, accompanied by Prose essay. your forte! (by latest Aug 27-28 eh? so i have SE7EN to last whole week!:) Be patriotic, quoting anak, quoting Zam!:):)
Wingz--> Tak semestinya berpatriotik mesti berbahasa Melayu. Dia dapat idea buat sajak dalam BI pun dah kira bagus daripada orang yang guna 'ayat pelat cina'.
I like your poem. Its simply beautiful.
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