Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Raja Petra' No Holes Bar

I couldn't stop laughing when I was reading this piece from Raja Petra Kamaruddin's No Holds Barred. I thought it should be: NO! Holes Barred!

Let me share the hilarious points:

"I mean, even the Umno Youth Leader has been rumoured to be involved with Maya Karin and she is said to be carrying Hishammuddin’s supplementary credit card. I find this hard to believe even though those who relate the story swear on their mother’s grave it is true -- and even harder to believe when their mother is not dead yet."

They sweared on their mother's grave when their mother is still alive... RPK, you are damn great satirical writer.

Another few parts of it:

There are also 40 thieves, sorry, I mean 40 members in the Umno Supreme Council. What a coincidence.

...Suddenly, Muhyiddin’s house, which used to be deserted, is crowded with Umno people who believe that Najib is about to fall and that Muhyiddin will be taking over as Deputy Prime Minister.... See what happens! ...rumour that Najib is somehow involved in the murder of the Mongolian girl. ...You think Najib does not know who are all those rats deserting the ship called Najib; thinking that the ship is sinking? ...What happens if Najib stays in office?

I for one am certainly not going to Muhyiddin’s house lest Najib does not fall and stays in office --- or else I would not be perceived as a Muhyiddin man. But if Najib does fall, then I would of course have to quickly change sides and pledge loyalty to Muhyiddin instead. Well, I can always spin a story that actually, in my heart, I was always his supporter but only pretended to support Najib. This normally works every time.


I cannot help but admire such a talented guy; he's Malaysian and a Malay. You see, there are great Malays around, Dr Bakri, Farish Noor, Ahirudin Attan, Rustam Sani, and many, many more. But they all are not in UMNO.


Anonymous said...

yes thank god for malays like them (and also bloggers like rocky bru and aisehman - btw, it looks like aisehman's blog had been hacked!). as lulu had pointed out not many malay are like the umnoputra.

Maverick SM said...

Lucia, I just check..betul lah.

Shit, I am illiterate in I.T. I will be damned!

warrior2 said...

please enlighten us on the greatness of Dr Bakri, Farish, Ahirudin and Rustam.

Maverick SM said...

Warrior2, I am not their marketeer nor would I need to convince anyone for someone. You have your intellectual ability to discern. However, those who understands socio-political perspective and have wisdom of knowledge can be able to discern them based on natural law theory and analytical jurisprudence. The request herein does suggest your preformed calcified indoctrination.

I had always being reminded that we don't throw pearls to the swine. They ain't able to appreciate.

Anonymous said...

Hey, count me among the great Malays.

I am also a Malaya and I am not in Umno.


Anonymous said...

oops misspelt.

I am also a Malay and I am not in Umno.

Maverick SM said...

Hani, yo are counted in. Note that I did not meant all UMNO Malays benefited; it's those cronies that would benefit from the hand-outs and wouldn't work with sweat and tears except to sell their projects and then asked for more. There are many in UMNO who gets nothing absolutely, except, probably, the $200 at Kubang Pasu.