Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said yesterday that from what he read and the reports he received, the people were more confident that the economy would continue to grow.
"Our economy is getting stronger, be it in terms of foreign and domestic investments, or the share market. The share market remains active with the volume of shares traded reportedly high and the index, soaring. All this gives new hope to the people."
"In the past, they were worried about what would happen to our economy. From what I have read and reports received, they are more confident of the economic development [now]. Hopefully... work harder."
"For a country that is developing, definitely the people want success, progress, peace and stability. That is why it is important for us to understand our role and responsibility so that we continue to perform better."
Abdullah said every challenge comes with an opportunity. "If we want to grab the opportunity, then we must be ready to face the challenges. Face all obstacles with confidence because we are capable... we have the knowledge and skills to face all this."
Abdullah said research showed that the level of family comfort and convenience in the country stood at 8.2 out of a total of 10 while on matters relating to courtesy, Malaysians scored 7.2.
Our economy has been better than ever?
Family comfort and convenience is 82%?
Our security better?
Our ministers less corrupt now? or has corruption become legalised through transformation of our new linguistic expressions?
Focus on the language to better fathom the nature of economy.
"The level of family comfort and convenience in the country stood at 8.2 out of a total of 10" is obtained by comparing Malaysia with failed states such as those listed in
Next, he will claim Malaysia's level of happiness and satisfaction in life as 9.9 out of 10 (by of course comparing with those above countries again)
What explains the strange stagnation of Islamic countries in the socio-economic arena? The Spin Bomoh of Malaysia and his gang of lackeys should read the following article:
at first the headline meant that we, the rakyat, would be changing views, ie there will be a new govt.
then i realised that they are saying that there are changing views based on erm, like you rightly pointed out, the recently reported feel-good factors?
however, they are prob right on the comfort n convenience count though..most of my friends are comfortable + can cari good makan~~~
but the underlying corruption still needs to be addressed
all i want to say now is dont place too much trust in a "good" man coz goodness is not well defined here.
good luck msia coz she needs huge dosage now.
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