Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Ladies Man!

He surely is the Ladies Man!

He is always protected by Ladies.

"Biarlah dia (Raja Petra) nak tulis apa pun, itu cerita 15 tahun lalu dan sebenarnya apa yang dia buat terhadap saya menunjukkan tindakan saya (membuat laporan polis) dan mempersoalkan tindakannya sudah berkesan.

"Saya rela diserang dan dihentam demi mempertahankan agama dan tanah air. Saya sudah buat laporan polis dan saya serahkan kepada mereka untuk ambil tindakan," kata Ketua Penerangan Umno, Tan Sri Muhammad Mohd Taib.

"Kita tidak boleh memandang rendah kerana mereka ini golongan profesional dan kerajaan perlu kaedah khas untuk menangani masalah kemunculan laman blog yang menular seperti wabak penyakit," katanya.

Tolong spiak ingris....Tan Si!


Howsy said...

RPK called him His Royal Hornyness in his latest article. Muahahahaha! Nation bation!

Anonymous said...

"...itu cerita 15 tahun lalu"

He's giving the excuse that wrong doings committed several years ago should be forgiven and forgotten. So the Khmer Rouge butchers who slaughtered their fellow citizens need to be forgiven too?

Anonymous said...

Tolong spiak ingris, Tan Seli:--

Me ok attacked and bashed by defend religion and ground water....

Anonymous said...

Judging by the Raja Muda of Perak Raja Dr Nazri Shah's lecture (centred on the works of the late Prof Datuk Syed Hussein Alatas)who said (quote): "People without integrity, honesty and morality should be prevented from holding public office. Those with chequered past or clear evidence of questionable morality should be prevented from taking office." (Unquote)

The majority of civil society members, I am sure are impressed with the Raja Muda's views and we are not surprised why these words don't come from the mouths of any UMNOputra leaders. Therefore, the Prime Minister should take the lead and remove these type of leaders from within. Otherwise, he should take the lead by stepping down before the next general elections.

Helen said...

How to elect somebody to be a minister when they cannot speak Engrand?

Anonymous said...

as usual hiding behind religion and country. what the shit was he doing carrying millions in a foreign land and was caught for doing that. you protect the country by taking your money out?
and UMNO has this sort of shady character to be their head of information (or disinformation?). A reflection of the party's condonment of corrupt culture.

Anonymous said...

In everyone's time, at some pass‚, our inner pep goes out. It is then burst into zeal at hand an contend with with another magnanimous being. We should all be thankful quest of those people who rekindle the inner spirit