Friday, June 13, 2008

Another Drug Mule

Another Malaysian woman is caught in London with 3.5kg of cocaine in her luggage.

Susanna January, 36, was nabbed at the East Midland airport on May 29, 2008 after she flew in from Gambia.

She said she was not aware of the drugs worth about RM1.2mil.

She claimed the bag was given to her by someone she met in Gambia after she discovered she needed an additional bag for her belongings.

We felt sorry for her! She must have bought too many souvenirs for friends and family members from Gambia, and suddenly discovers that she will need another luggage bag when she was at the Gambian airport. Then a good Samaritan came along to give her a bag, and she accepted in it good faith. Now she is in trouble and may have to spent her time in jail for years.

Lessons learnt: Don't buy too many souvenirs for friends or relatives. Travel light. Don't go overseas so often. And Gambia? Why Gambia?

Puzzle: Why only women nowadays? Are they so ignorant, innocent or naive?


Anonymous said...

can't think of anyone that goes to gambia for holiday? what's there that you can't find in a europe, aussie, us or china holiday trip. probably only cocaine at a cheap trip.

Anonymous said...

A middle class (not matter it is Chinese,Indian, Malay, Kadazan,Dusun,etc) will ask, how is this bugger going to send his children to university.

Anonymous said...

sorry doc, mixed up comment from previous post.


I try NOT to be a racist. But all this drug mules seems EXTREMELY HIGH PERCENTAGE are Malay woman.

Seems they are so used to NEP handout and think the FREE TRIPS are similar handouts.

p/s: Why I suspect she is a Malay because, BERNAMA will NEVER failed to publish the ethnics when crime involve non-Malay.

Anonymous said...

So naive? Had the 3.5kg of cocaine got through in London, she would have enough money to go shopping throughout Europe for the next 50 years

Anonymous said...


you didn't got the 2 comments mixed up, they are related.

you see when some bugger starts to have > 10+ kids, you don't expect them to send them to university, probably up in Sec 5 at most.

you think they are going to give the best education and etc to them, sorry no.

eventually they might up end up on the streets, relying on NEP or went to Gambia for a holiday.

Anonymous said...

Drug Donkeys sound much better than Drug Mules

warrior2 said...

Why GAMBIA? WHY NOT? What is it so puzzling and bewirdled on your part?

Nope, it isnt only women because they are also men who are caught. There was one in one Latin American country recently too. Perhaps your eyes only target women stories!

Anonymous said...

The're neither ignorant or innocent. The're real jackASS, interested only to make fast bucks like their mentor AMENO the great liar.

sherpa lee

Anonymous said...

The best solution is to ask all Malaysian parents to forbade their daughters to travel overseas alone with no apparent reasons or follow their newfound foreign boyfriends to other countries. Well ever thought of shackling our wayward children???

Maverick SM said...


I think he has done his own planning; he is a very successful businessmen; a property negotiator.


I think she is a Sabahan.

Sherpa Lee,

Somehow, they could have been influenced into such situation.

CaptainCaveman said...

I may sound cruel, but I don't think they are that ignorant or naive.

Maverick SM said...


You are surely cruel....but you may be right.

Cruel Angel said...

Gambian got BIG ASSET!

She properly went there to get some FULL-FILLMENT!

In cases like this, always pity them. To get lockup in jail but her story is abit hard to believe.

Dont be greedy friends... Not even when the fuel goes up 41%!

Maybe is BN fault that so many Msian lady got cuaght with Drugs Trafficking...


Maverick SM said...


I can't lay this fault on BN; it's more to do with the social aspects of materialism and desire of wanting and carving for exclusive lifestyle and social lifestyle of the people.