Thursday, June 19, 2008

PAS Youth drops threats of protest

The youth wing of Islamic party PAS said today it will not hold a protest against two women who were to sing at a football match after the Selangor sultan criticised their plan.

PAS Youth chief, Salahuddin Ayub, said the leadership had decided it would not hold a protest but would send a letter to the state government.

"We want the organisers to make sure the concert will not promote negative culture among the young," he said today.

"We are very concerned since social ills like drug abuse among the young is increasing."

Source: PAS Youth drops plan to protest female singers


Now, we hear of rational thinkers. Why couldn't they be rational in the first place? Salahuddin said PAS wants the organizers to make sure the concert will not promote negative culture. That is surely a good way of doing things.

Is it because of the Sultan's disappointment or is it because they had think through the issue and believe it is a much better way to express it by way of exhortation and advising? Whatever, I think this way is harmonious and far effective than threats or coercion. It is good for the people to promote high morality and good behavior, and leaders must treat others with respect by being intellectual in their approach. Exhortation is always an effective way to communicate.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Gostan back to stoneage is a worse culture sabotage than any concert can cause.

Anonymous said...

haa, boleh pun buat perangai elok asyik nak buat stail pemberontakan je..ada je cara yang lebih baik nak buat benda2 macam ni..jangan asyik nak buat kecoh je dekat Malaysia..sekarang ni sana sini orang dah buat perangai macam tu, jangan keruhkan lagi keadaan, orang luar dok tengok je kita sekarang..bagus macam ni, ubah sikit pendekatan..

lucia said...

the sultan hit the nail on the head when he said the PAS youth are being hypocritical and trivial.

ya! PAS youth acting as though they are so holy holy and goody goody!

who do they think they are to judge for everyone these 2 singers will promote negative culture?? who do they think they are to appoint themseleves as moral guardian to the youth?

really stupid!!!

btw mave, you didn't read your email? i had sent you 2 emails already regarding the petition. anyway, never mind now. i'll 'publicise' it here now - everybody, please sign the memo for freedom of information!

Anonymous said...

PAS is also flip flop. Before elections all the promise of respecting the right of other religions,,,blah,blah, blah...Now they want to stop a concert for watched by all races and religion.

If the PAS members are so weak willed..and just watching Ella perform can lead them to social ills, I suggest they lock themselves at home when the concert is on.

Anonymous said...

Proud to have a good Sultan.

Some bozos just do not know what they are talking. How can a concert and football match promote negative values?

Maverick SM said...


I don't think the word stoneage is relevant. All religion dates back to history and all knowledge and many inventions dates back to time immemorial. Historical information and knowledge are not irrelevant.


Let's appreciate rationalism.


I don't see it. I will read the memo now.


I think we have to observe that what is spoken is consistent with their belief system. If ever they had been inconsistent before, for election sake, they are now back to consistency.


Perceptions and imaginations are part of sense-conscious.

Anonymous said...

PAS should have thought it through before announcing their protest in such a loud way, they should realise that Selangor people were already wary of them when voting for the PR. An intellectual approach should also include PAS to finali get their heads out from the sand and see that such cosmetic moral policing doesn't work, it only makes them the laughing stock.

Anonymous said...

Mave, it is true.If only the can be rational from the start. But tha saying, I stil dont understand how a concert of those 2 female singers can promote such horrible and negative social ills. What should be proposed next? Maybe we should ban those lewd videos on MTV and porno on the net. The leaders should maybe focus on how to tackle the root causes of the problem.

Maverick SM said...

L.P. Chan,

I think we should accept difference in opinion as they we sees things in different perspective and based on different ideologies. The essence is co-existence by mutual harmony and common good.


Ideologies and belief system are part of human existence and they form part of our lives. For as long as what is propagated and directed did not infringed in the individual fundamental rights as enshrined in the constitution of which we had agreed to abide, we accept it in good faith. However, in a given community based on a given faith and accepted by that community their behaviors and acts are guided by a set of rules which is given. Thus, those who are bound by their chosen set of rules have the duties to act in accordance with the system. The question of discretion and interpretation is left to their profound leaders to clarify.

lucia said...

the memo link doesn't seems to work so here it is again:
also please see my blog for the memo image to put up on site.