Will the new Govt. aid the political corporate cronies at the expense of the Rakyat?
In the StarBiz (page 7) today, Hong Boon How wrote on "Ranhill seeks govt aid to make water business viable."
Ranhill president & CEO Hamdan Mohamad said, "Malaysia's water tariff should be increased gradually to reflect its cost of production." He said that Malaysians should be able to pay more for water as the average personal income had been increasing over the years. That the higher tariff rates would discourage comusers from wasting water. That the Govt can do more to create the infrastructure for long-term financing.
Now, we can understand the "benefit" of the privatization process!!!!
Malaysian govt. offers projects for privatization on the premise that, corporatizing will increase efficiency, reduce govt borrowing, and build a better tomorrow for Malaysians.
From the case of Ranhill water privatization project & the Bakun project, we can deduce that those corporations that had been awarded the projects, who are expected to have a strong financial standing, able to finance those projects with internal resources are absolutely rubbish. Often, we are informed that EPF will be used as the vehicle to finance those corporations. Bakun concessionaires are asking for $2.5b loan from EPF, SMART-TUNNEL project by MMC-Gamuda had requested for @2.0b loan from EPF, etc, etc. So, contributors of EPF are fools who put their hard-earned money for those suckers and Tan Sri Halims job is to help them screw us up - "Malaysia Boleh"!!!!!"Malaysians Boleh MATI lagi cepat"!!!!!
So, Hamdan is saying that Malaysian should be able to pay more for water due to the better average income that had increase over the years, so as to help him & Syed Mohktar to be multi-billionaires to compete with the likes of Bill Gates & Warren Buffet.
Hi Malaysians (including myself), we have chosen & elected the govt to manage the people. We should be happy that we will be screwed till we have bled dry. Thanks and many thanks to Mahathir for his privatization initiatives. Lets save some money for our own coffin as we will be expecting it much sooner. Pak- Lah, can you help us or will you be helping those corporate suckers to enrich themselves????
[ Mon Mar 29, 09:29:07 PM | Maverick Doc | edit ]
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