The Star, 13th. May 2004; page1

Home Minister, Datuk Azmi Khalid announced that the Pak-Lah's cabinet had decided to make it easier for expatriate to work in Malaysia by expediting the application process. Many people had complain that the application process could take up to five years.
It is good news to hear that the Government is now looking into their internal process inefficiencies and ineffectiveness after decades of poor management; primarily due to the self-created bureaucratic and systematic corruptive process. Our corruptive-enhance system is not unknown to most Malaysians and foreigners and we have learn to live with the system and adapted and formated it into the Malaysia-Boleh Culture of "Pay-to speed up the-Service" required.
We will have to pray harder to GOD/Allah that the many other processes and institutional autocrats and kleptocrats like CIDB, EPF, SOCSO, SEDCs, etc, will be structurally revamped and turnaround, and that Pak-Lah will not be replacing the old crooks for a set of new energetic-better crooks.
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