Tuesday, August 31, 2004


PAS Change Mgmt Posted by Hello


PAS spiritual leader Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat today acknowledged the party needs an infusion of professionals to regain its political relevance. “PAS needs to combine its present leaders with professionals,” says Nik Aziz.

“This would allow more senior leaders to strengthen their struggle and religious standing, while the new leaders can aggressively present their views.”

PAS leaders should be open minded in accepting changes. Prophet Muhammad himself did not stop people questioning him."

"PAS leaders and members must be open-minded. If not, we will remain stagnant while our opponents move ahead.”

On criticism directed at party president Abdul Hadi Awang at the party muktamar, Nik Aziz said Hadi could have been a victim of his own supporters. “It is possible that Hadi is a victim of his own ‘gung-ho’ supporters.”

This is the wisdom of an old school philosopher who admits that today's world of survival is different from his old school of thoughts.

Why is it that organizations, be it political or commercial, had difficulty to recognize that the outdated mode of managing is the prime cause of an organization's continuous decline? For an organization to trive and survive in fast moving, ever changing environment, the way of doing business which had in the past brought success to the organization will not work in today's world of complexity and clock-and-dagger competition. A successful organization's way of doing business has to evolve to meet changing times. They need to have the ability to understand and foresee the environmental & social aspects that would dictates the pace, the quality, the relationship and the political risks factors that relates to their business products and processes, and to remain relevant.

As profess by Nik Aziz, "We need an infusion of professionals to be relevant. We need to combine the present leaders with professionals. This would allow more senior leaders (and senior management) to strengthen their struggle and standing, while the new leaders can aggressively present their views. LEADERS SHOULD BE OPEN-MINDED,If not, we will remain stagnant while our opponents (COMPETITORS) move ahead."

On Hadi Awang's situation, Nik Aziz believes that he has become a victim of his own supporters. “It is possible that Hadi is a victim of his own ‘gung-ho’ supporters."

In every organization that had staff and managers who had served the organization for umpteen years, they would have incalcate a way of life and a way of doing things. Their expectations and mental mode would have calcified - that is, to think in one direction, and to want to do things and expects things to be the same way they had done it and receive it, as in the past. Change is near impossible and painful, and seeing the younger generation of leaders and professionals coming up the hierarchy, it would be extremely painful for those older dogmatic leaders and supporters to come to terms with the modern philosophy of management and to accept the innovative way of doing things. That's what Nik Aziz is saying - if you had been a Gung-Ho all the years, your followers will expect you to continue to be Gung-Ho all the time. If you had mellowed in the years, and had become wiser, preferring softer ways of doing things, it is not acceptable to your ardent, long-time, loyal & dedicated followers. At such, you will suffer and become a victim of your own ideology. As the saying in the movie 'The Passion of Christ', "Those who live by the sword, dies by that sword."

For a charismatic leader who had been dogmatic in the past, he had seen how the world had evolved in the last few decades, and I'm sure it was painful for Nik Aziz to come to this conclusion, particularly in the twilight of his political pilgrimage.

Similarly, we can trace back to the final years of Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew and Mahathir Mohammad's, both Prime Minsters at that time, who nearing retirement, had called for imminent CHANGE in ideology and philosophy of management, the call to move to a new direction, and the need to embrace professionalism and to adopt information technology as the tools to move ahead. This call were directed to their loyal and dedicated followers, those who had stuck with them for the umpteen years, living and serving in the age of conservatism and dogmatism - the ways of doing things that were fitting at their time in power, but which had become obsolete, an outdated mode that will not work anymore in the world of complexities, the world today that is often referred as the 'Clash of two Civilization' - Modern Management v. Traditional Autocratic Management.

Would we learn a lesson from this wisemen?

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