Saturday, March 26, 2005


According to Dr. Joshua Coleman's research, chances are, most wives would have married a lazy husband.

To Dr. Joshua, Lazy Husband is now a common domestic species in the household. His research indicates that men are getting lazier and have no time for household work or to their children.

Dr. Joshua, a psychologist and marriage expert from San Francisco is publishing a new book entitled: THE LAZY HUSBAND.

A self-confessed former lazy husband (I’m not sure if he is not one now), he identified 4 breeds of shirking spouse:

  1. A Boy Husband,
  2. The Perfectionist Husband,
  3. The Angry Husband, and
  4. The Worried Husband.

A Boy Husband will exhibit childlike neediness, coming into marriage not knowing how to take care of himself. He expects the wife to take care of everything, even making sure his wife have to wake him up on time for work. The wife feels like he is an extra child. The husband has yet to pass his childhood stage of growing up and still thinks he is above household chores.

The Perfectionist Husband is one that sets high standards for how his wife and children should behave, and how his house should be managed in the way he sees it and wants it. He is old-fashioned and maintains the mentality of olden day’s housewife philosophy whereby, it is held that the wife should play the role in the home and expects her to do everything at home.

The Angry Husband bullies his wife into doing things and uses intimidation as a way of getting household work done, including parenting duties.

The Worried Husband doesn’t do things around the house because he feels inadequate. He lacks the sense of entitlement and is completely henpecked. He has low esteem and is anxious that, if he tries to help out, he will do something wrong.

So husbands, which category you are in? Or, are you in a different category not yet defined by Dr. Joshua?

Me? I have all four-in-one which I call: "Loving Husband - Always Not At Home"; or shall you say, Lousy Husband!

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