Saturday, June 04, 2005


PAS TURN-AROUND Posted by Hello

At the PAS General Assembly yesterday, PAS President Abdul Hadi Awang attempted to speak the language of change, moderation and a need to work hand-in-hand with the non-Muslims. Hadi said that he was even prepared to make way for Anwar Ibrahim to lead the Alternative Opposition Front in order to win the next general election.

According to Hadi Awang, "Pas is now at a critical crossroad. We must work with all, including Anwar. If Anwar is in the opposition front, existing Umno members may join the opposition. It will boost our strength and our credibility. We have accepted him as the leader."

Hadi said that Pas must work with all races, increase its membership, promote democracy, embrace science and technology and accept the reality of national politics.

"We need to change our strategy. Malaysia is a multi-racial country. Pas cannot rule alone. We need the cooperation of all races," Hadi Awang said.

Pas parliamentary seats of 27 was slashed to six seats in 2004 General Election. The main reason for the massive loss in the last election was attributed to the difficulty to win over the support of non-Muslims who were spooked by PAS insistence on setting up an Islamic State in Malaysia.

However, while Hadi emphasized reform and the need to be moderate in order to win the non-Muslim votes, it was also clear from his speech, that he would not abandoning his ultimate desire of setting up an Islamic state if PAS comes into power. Hadi reiterated his stand:

"Our struggle is to create a society and administration that is based on Islamic values and rules."

From the discourse, the imminent issue that would prick the non-Muslims are:

Was it not because of an apparent need to win power that initiated the call to work with other races? Isn't the fact that religion are often used to win power and at times, when necessary, the doctrines can be transliterate into a compromising philosophy to secure votes?

The hypothethical question is that: "Religion is often used to fulfill an agenda for political power and positions that has been and will be, whomsoever desires it. Similarly, those who are aspiring to climb up the political ladder will also make full use of THE religion & stir up racial issues to further strenghten their political aspiration and ambition. Ultimately, the real reward of politics and political position is MONEY AND POWER, which is the core objectives of those who wants to be in power.

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