Sunday, August 21, 2005

The Spirit of Rakyat Malaysia

In his opening speech at the MCA general assembly, Ong Kah Ting reiterated MCA's stand that the party is to champion the cause of all races. I hope he remembers what he says, and stop shouting communal policies and sensational issues that betrays the philosophy he enunciated.

In Ong's own word, the objectives of MCA in national advancements are both universal and inclusive [not idiotic]; and that the party will be sensitive to the feelings of other communities as achieving unity for the rakyat is consistent with their political struggles.

MCA must seek to serve all Malaysians regardless of race and religion, and it must include those from opposition parties and those who support the oppositions.

Jangan Cakap Tak Serupa Bikin. MCA must walk its talk and stop bringing out issues based on race alone. Any issue, be it a Chinese problem, an Indian problem or the Malay's problem, is a Malaysian problem and political leaders must look at it within the Malaysian context.

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