Monday, October 03, 2005

Congrats to Sarawak UTM Graduates

swkgraduate2005 Posted by Picasa

To all the graduates from Sarawak, CONGRATULATIONS!

Finally, the pain, the hardwork, and sacrifices must have been sweet and deserving.

These were the people, who tho' having to work for six days each week and throughout the years; earning enough to pay the family expenses, yet were willing to sacrifice portion of their budget and the little time they only had for the family; foregoing their weekends, squeezing their little income to pay college fees, and spending their evenings not with their children or in pubs, but doing research and writing assignments and finally, project dissertation.

It must have been extremely stressful and painful to the family; yet they and their family persevered and plod-on despite the heavy toils and strains. In the end, the return on investment (ROI) is only a piece of scroll and what they can parade is only a piece of paper embossed with a university logo and their name written . But, they are going home to savour; not because they had earned another piece of paper qualification but that they had achieved self-satisfaction and self-esteem. They can be proud and lift their heads high, for they have set an example for their children to follow and relish.

I am confident they will succeed in their future endeavour and undertakings because of the unwavering determination shown.

A piece of advice to all the graduates:

"This is only the beginning .... the beginning of a journey ... to the potential destination which we call - the pinnacle of SUCCESS towards SELF-ACTUALIZATION!

Good Luck and God Bless you all!

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