Thursday, October 13, 2005

What is Love?

I was reading an article at jogalong.blogspot regarding a survey on LOVE according to Kids. Here are some of them that I culled:
  • When someone loves you, the way she says your name is different. You know that your name is safe in her mouth.
  • Love is: what makes you smile when you're tired.
  • Love is: when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is ok.
  • Love is: hugging. Love is: kissing. Love is: saying, " no."
  • Love is: when you tell someone something bad about yourself and you're scared
    she won't love you anymore. But then you get surprised because not only does she still love you, she loves you even more.
  • Love is: when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday.
  • Love is: like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they've know each other so well.
Well, these opinions doesn't sound so much of a kiddy idea; more seem to be casual ideas. I did post a comment on the subject in her blog.

Today, I met a friend and he was asking me the same question. I asked him if he is having a problem but he brushed me off. Then, I told him that I will write something on this subject on my blog and he can read them there. Maybe, I can also receive more opinions on the subject matter from the cyber pals.

Before I post my 2-cents, I love to quote a passage from the book by Paulo Coelho The Pilgrimage (you can read a review of this book here)

"It appears that a newlywed do really love each other. And they believe that their love will grow. But shortly, they will be alone with each other, struggling to earn a living, build a house, and share their misadventure. For he will begin to feel that he's not free enough to express all of the EROS; (the feeling of love for another) all of the love that he has for other women. She will begin to feel that she had gave up brilliant career in order to be her husband. So, instead of creating something together, each would begin to feel robbed of the means to express EROS and the spirit that unites them would begin to reveal only its negative side. And what God had provided to humans as their noblest sentiment would become a source of hatred and destructiveness.

EROS therefore makes us feel apart from the world, trapped in our solitude."

"PHILOS is love in the form of friendship. It is what we feel towards others. When the flame of EROS stops burning, it is PHILOS that keeps a couple together.

"AGAPE is both EROS and PHILOS. AGAPE is total love that consumes. The love that consumes makes everything else - absolutely everything - lose its importance. It is the love that consumes the person who experience it.

AGAPE is much more than liking. It is a feeling that suffuses, that fills every spaces in us, and turns our aggression to dust. Whoever knows and experience AGAPE learns that nothing else in the world is important - just LOVE. This is the kind of love that can shook the stars and change the course of history and enables us to accomplish things that kings, armies, and empires could not."

"We blame the world for our boredom and for our losses, and we forget that it was we ourselves who allowed this enchanting power, which justifies everything, to diminish - the manifestation of AGAPE in the form of enthusiasm."

"Enthusiasm is another form of agape. Enthusiasm is agape directed at a particular idea or thing. Enthusiasm carries us toward our goal."

Now, this is what I believe and I shall prefer to be poetic:

What is LOVE?

Love is: joy and happiness and lots of fun

It is what makes your everyday and what you live for.

Love will make you do the things that you want to do and do not understand the reason why.

It is the thoughts that you have every moment and which sends you to Fantasy Island.

Love travels within the emotion of joy or unhappiness, of being caring while impatient,

Of longing to have and to be with, but often unfulfilled.

Love is actually nothing, in physical senses.

Love only rested in the mind and spirit and often pre-occupied by emotions and distress.

Love can be lost, once you decided to change course; for another object and subject.

It comes and go like passing breeze

Love will only stay permanent, if it is Agape ...

because AGAPE is omnipotent and omnipresent

And this is a gift from GOD almighty!


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