In his speech at the Parliament, Che Azmi claimed that repayments for the National Entrepreneur Fund (Tekun) were not recorded or paid into the fund by the officers in charge.
"When collecting repayments, the officers do not pay into the fund. It is not the fault of the entrepreneurs who dutifully make their repayments," Che Azmi said when asking a supplementary question at the Dewan Rakyat (House of Commons).
Entrepreneur Deputy Minister Datuk Khamsiyah Yeop explained that such dishonesties are human factors and that efforts were being taken to bring the officers to task. Kamsiyah urged those MPs with information of such dishonesty act to come forward to provide the information to the ministry.
If we review the parliamentary sessions of UK or USA, I am sure you will not see the parity of answers given by the Ministers when responding to allegations. It make us perplexed and paranoid when we hear minister's reply when allegations are made and the reply is: "give us the information and we will act", and "such dishonesty are only human".
Every system consists of processes and the need for human to manned those processes. If Ministers says, it's only human, that dishonesty is basically a human trait, then, we don't need ministers and their platoon of officers. At the same time, we might as well legalise corruption.
Every system is supposed to be designed with monitoring and control mechanism, including the requisite audit processes to place those human actions and records transparently and ensure proper governances.
What we hear are blant excuses and moronic responses for response sake. I think, it would be better for Parliament to use parrots or tape recorders, which are much cheaper. Afterall, the ministers reply is similar to a mechanical reply - "we will see to it. Give us time. We will punish those culprits. We will do what we can. We will be better."
This is the system we have. Malaysia Boleh!
1 comment:
Don't you know one of our beloved MPs' favourite phrase is "Kita akan Kaji" or " We'll set up a committee" or "If you have prove, then so sue me then."
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