Shahrizat will meet Education Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein to push for the subject to be included in the syllabus.
She said the proposed syllabus was being finalised.
At the third Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health, patron Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Ali, in her keynote address, also spoke on the issue of whether sex education should be taught in schools.
"We adults fear that when children are provided with information and knowledge on sex education, they will engage in sexual practices. "But we also forget the positive effects that children will be more responsible and careful when given the timely information and guidance," she said.

Aa an illustration of parental sex education, when Dr Ng’s son left to study overseas at the age of 19, she told him to use condoms, when necessary.
“As a mother, I would cry if you get AIDS,” she said to him.
“I told him that I was not condoning him having premarital sex but just think of it as protection. I only wanted him to be safe.”
“Parents should teach their children to have save sex and teach them how to use a condom.”
Is this parental sex education?
Sex Education in School? Who are the teachers and what are their academic and training background?
Is Hishamuddin going to utilise the teachers who currently teaches geography or history to give sex education to the children? They probably will have sex with them.
You probably will find that the teachers will be teaching the children about their own perception and experience about sex, and most likely, how to make love, how to do a blowjob, and how to kiss the ass.
Isn't it crazy? The Ministry will introduce sex education in schools next year when there is not even a single teacher who is academically qualified in the subject?
That's education in Malaysia and probably, you will find the girls getting pregnant by the male teachers and the 15 years old boys F**King the lady teachers and ending up pregnant by the students ... read this article
your outlook on this is very much shallow. There may not be enough teachers as presume even at the current situation however there are counsellors and I know a few who are also volunteers under various programs that include the sexual and reproductive health scheme.
so before you go embarking on your own opinion-bashing, sex education is important to curb you male-raging testesterones from even raping your own sibligns either.
I do agree with you that there are many NGOs and social organizations that have presumed counsellors that have the knowledge and methods to teach, but they are not PSD teachers and unless the education ministry will employ these presumed qualified personnel, which is unlikely (as they are not government servants), how is it that the government can roped in thousands of teachers that will be required to teach sex education? Most likely, the ministry will use current employed teachers such as those teaching biology, physics or chemistry, including those who teaches history and geography.
Even in western countries, this is not a subject in school. You think, it will work in Malaysia?
You must be naive ... I do agree that proper sex education will help educate children. Cases of those raping their own siblings had nothing to do with sex education. It's the upbringing of those adults, their social environment, and their psychiatric problem.
Do you believe that sex education will eliminate the rape problem? I doubt!!!!
Oh...believe me...based on my past experience, even though sex education was briefly mentioned in Form 2's Pendidikan Jasmani's text book-only like nocturnal emissions and menstruation; zilch was mentioned on masturbation, fellatio, cunningulus (which are the main sexual crimes now).
I have to agree with Maverick that those inexperienced teachers teach sex based on their experience. For example, my Form 2 P.E. teacher told the students that masturbation helps eases tension before any games or matches. What is the scientific base of that? And even during my university years, a lecturer told that girls should wash/wipe their anuses towards the back to prevent infection of the vagina. And he was a male. And he was so enthusiastic talking about that.
(Sorry for any vulgarity here as I'm just trying to give examples only.)
I have a family of teachers - all my sisters are teachers. All of us do not agree with the suggestion by the minister that sex education be introduced next year. The ministry will need thousands of teachers who are qualified to teach the subject. In our Malaysian education system, no universities here have taught sex education to the graduates. probably, they can apply their knowledge from biology and their own experience; but it is inadequate. There is a high risk that perversion will previal and we get more problems. For me, I won't wnat my daughter to attend those classes. I rather teach her myself tho' I have limited knowledge too. At least, I will read up books and do research in the internet before I teach her.
If the teachers are not properly trained as those who are supposed to teach Maths and Science using English, yeah we could be having more problems.
So far the Education Ministry has not responded. Maybe there will be some keris waving and the problem will go away!
I don't think that sex education is about teaching on how to do sex physically, like you wrote and i quoted, "how to make love, how to do a blowjob, and how to kiss the ass".
I think it's more about what consitutes an act of sex, you see, not many girls are educated enough sexually.. many of us girls, at the age of 16, know that it was 'wrong' for a man to touch our breasts, we knew it was wrong but when it was time to tell people, we just didn't know what to say, what was the correct words to say.
Shame to say, we learnt all those in the novel books.
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