Tuesday, June 13, 2006

8 Attributes I Seek in a Lover

Oh, lest I forget; I promise Purple that I will respond to her Taglist of 8 attributes or qualities I seek in a lover.

1) She must be sweet. Beautiful? Boleh lah! Not so beautiful? Boleh juga! Ugly? Tak boleh lah! Not beautiful and not ugly? Cincai lah!

2) She must be intelligent. PhD or MBA? No need lah! Teacher or Policewomen? Tak boleh oh... nanti selalu tangkap saya. Housewife or career woman? Both lah... have career and at the same time also a housewife BUT NOT A SERVANT! I need a wife, not a servant!

3) Do I want a cracko? No lah. I need a joker, not cracko. She must be a good joker and a good communicator. A good lover must be able to communicate in a language that both prefers and enjoys. It doesn't matter what is the subject matter. It matters that both enjoys the topics. Most family failed largely due to communication blockages and miscommunication.

4) Do I need a trophy girl? Someone to make love all night long? Ya, ya, but not all night long ... once a fortnight pun cukup lah! Sex is part and parcel of love. It is not love per se but it is required to nurture love. Failure to have good sexual contacts and the "making love" had cause disruptive behaviors. Each man and woman had their own taste and own likes and dislike. There is no generic science. At such, young couples have the difficulty to understand each other's needs and expectations. Older, or should I say, experienced person (both male and female) understands the subject matter better and tends to be able to adapt and adopt, making the relationship smoother and be a better nurturer. It is not absolute and apart from the dickhead which is brainless, the lovers must used their brain to guide the brainless - both genders.

5) Must she be rich? If possible lah, if not pun tak apa as I also can earn money. Isn't moeny important part of love? Oh, it is the most sensitive and insensible part of relationship and the generic measurement of love. Everyone thinks money is not everything and love is not money and money can't buy love. I too love to believe it and think it is such. But unfortunately, no love is sustainable if you are in prolong "poverty". What is poverty? Do I mean being destitute? No, no, not absolutely! "Poverty" in my dictionary means both the lovers have financial needs and that they could not satisfy themselves; they had little idea how to cope with it to make ends meet their obligations and expectations. Money isn't everything; but without it, you have nothing, including love.

6) What about a proud woman? Narcissistic type? No, no. It's too dangerous. What about self esteem and self actualization? Ya, ya, it's the utmost important in lovers relationship. No love can sustain if the couple could not address these two key elements which constitute our pride, ego and narcissistic behaviors. Failure to address and nurture it will result in chaos and drives the relationship to desperation.

7) Bearing children? Ya, it seems important. Without them, family life seems incomplete. Not everyone agrees. But for me, having children is important. It will make me incomplete without them.

8) Social lifestyle? Hard to drive the right mixture. Without social relationship, life is empty. Too much social activity, life is stressful and overly committed, and you then don't own yourself; we then become public property. It got to be blended and controlled to some extend. I need social life and a lover who can socialize. But I am paranoid too.

Ok, that's 8! That's the 8 quality and attributes I look for.

If you ask me, did my wife fit into them; all of them? My answer is: NO!

Then why did I pick her? MISTAKE! Because I had limited choice or should I say to appease myself, I had make myself limited by my choice.

Next question should be: Did I regret it? I can't answer. It is a billion dollar question and there is no right answer, except wrong ones.

Can I posed myself another question? I wanted! What's it? If given another chance, would I pick someone with the 8-elements? No, I'll never be able to find them in one person. It will then lead me to a multiple assembly plant. That's probably the reason why the beloved prophet said: Take a maximum of 4!

I think, he is the wisest man on earth. I do agree with him.

Am I wrong again? I don't think so. If you don't agree with me, that's fine because you are wrong. hehehehehe!!!!!!!!!!

I tag: Sensitrovert, AMOI, Angel, Uncle Desi ,The Boringest Person ,Lucia , Rojaks and of course I can't leave out Lin Peh.


Wingz said...

i think i done this b4 ler ... :P

Lin Peh said...

Tag Lin Peh ? U got siao ah ? LOL!

Boringest said...

lol, abit slow, didn't see this post, I've also done it already here:
