Excellence, Glory & Distinction!
Beware Barisan, Remember your own pledges! You had mad a covenant that when the Rakyat elected you to office, you will do what you said; no more (evil)no less (justice).
Barisan's Pledges:
- We in Barisan Nasional wishes to record our gratitude and appreciation to all citizens for the support and mandate given to lead our beloved nation.
- Recognising this, we in Barisan Nasional hereby pledge:-
- To defend the independence and sovereignty of Malaysia and to uphold the principles of the Rekunegara, in order to ensure peace, stability, harmony and unity for all Malaysians.
- To continue to develop Malaysia through plans, strategies and implementation of policies that will enhance the well-being of all malaysians, in line with the objectives of vision 2020.
- To fight all forms of racial intolerance, extremism and terrorism to secure a better future for all Malaysians.
- To raise the stature of Malaysia so that it continues to be respected and admired internationally for its progress and capacity to face the challenges of globalisation.
- With this resolve, we will convince the people, through example and concrete proof, to continue to support the Barisan Nasional government towards realising the hopes and aspirations of the Malaysian people.
Below here are the selected portion of the manisfesto:

I too received this "personal" letter from Pak Lah just before the 2004 elections. As I was an outstation voter, it was actually touching to read a line where he wished "me" a safe journey when travelling to the voting center.
I think it is high time he sends out personal letters to everyone again - this time for damage control considering most of us are highly disillusioned with his empty promises.
Ya, Ah Moi, What we wanted is that he keeps his words in the manifesto; that's all!
The Manifesto is scary to look at now, considering they kept tripping all those empty pledges and interpret law and constitution of this country as they like.
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