Thursday, August 10, 2006

Investigate sons of PM? Boleh kah??

Dr M says ACA can probe his children

Boleh kah? Mahathir is haughty but he surely is courages enough to call on the authorities to investigate his family. By doing so, he isn't inept or desultory. It will posed the challenge to his "nemesis" whether he dares to participate in the forensic test.

Asked about the interview PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi had on TV3 on Monday (Aug 7, 2006), Mahathir said:

"He (Abdullah) never answered any questions. All he was saying was that I am a good man, I wouldn't do this, my children are good people and they wouldn't do this, I am a very religious man, I wouldn't do this. But specific answers, there were none."

Mahathir added: "Certainly to say his son has no business in Malaysia is wrong. His son has got business worth more than one billion (ringgit)."

Mahathir claimed that he will soon unearth evidence of corruption against the government.

"There are several other things which I will come out with, one at a time.. evidence of corruption. The Prime Minister says you must give hard evidence.. we are trying to get, maybe we will get some," he said.

Unearth? Wow, it means to dig deep down under the marine clay layer?

Mahathir surely had something inside his closets. For 22 years as PM and being a Machiavellian Strategist (for that's probably why he thrived for 22-years as PM), he must have had stored his "needed records" in Utopia in anticipation of the days to come which eventually arrived. You do not call someone a strategist if he is not strategic. Every top politician who knows someday he had to relinquish his apex position of power would face the possibility of atrocity, calumny and canard. There will always rise a new breed of coterie who are iniquitous and vicious planktons. At such, the strategist must build a concrete wall and a defence system and the best defence system is still to assail and having strategic artillaries.

Interestingly, Mahathir's speech was made at the Fifth Perdana Discourse Series, themed "Positioning Malaysia In The World Arena" at the Perdana Leadership Foundation . In fact it should be re-themed "Re-Positioning Mahathir in the Malaysian Political Arena - an onslaught of political changes."

em, betul betul bau!!!

cik Dek nak cari cacing?

tikus dah mati mesti berbau!

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