The world of innovators and creative talents are pondering over some alternatives:

Will we have bird-plane instead of aero?

Or would we having sailing car?

Or would Mat Rempit ride a dog?

or else Rempit will crawl
Source: Alex Wong of Catland
Source: Alex Wong of Catland
Can't wait for that day to come. I cannot afford a Ferrari... but with any luck, that day will come I will own the real thing. A real stallion....
PS: Hopefully Italian stallion.. with dark hair. The horse of course...
Helen, why Italian Stallion? Malaysian Stallion cost only RM5,000?
LOL... i like the last pic. If my office is nearby i rather ride bicycle.
Noti Helen, you want to ride a stud issit?
Maverick - Malaysian stallion costing 5K? The animal or the man? (pssst, according to 'Old Horse' it's just a mere RM200......)
Howsy - At my age, I take whatever comes my way.... Cannot be choosy liao. :-)
Naughty Helen, the man cost more than 5K; the animal-the horse- a Malaysian-bred mare cost about 5K (non race quality) 20-50K (racehorse). And always remind yourself, you haven't grown old enough to be old.
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