Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Fuel price review only in one years time

Deputy Prime Minister Najib said the government need at least one year to study and review and decide the fuel price cut.

It took the government one year to review and increase the price of fuel 3-times in a year. Therefore it's fair that the government takes one year to review whether to lower the price, once.

Afterall, the government needed the extra money to fund the 9MP and it's only fair the rakyat pays for it. In the words of Pak Lah, if the people wants development and good highways, they must pay for it.

It is also fair that if the people elect the corrupt, then the corrupt must be allowed to tax the people and pay the price for it.

Oh, lest we forget, the corrupt is having financial difficulties, and so they will be looking to adjust the mechanics that accelerate the income and revenue.

The tax man will be asking for more, and they now want taxes on allowances paid to employees - car allowance, fuel allowance, food allowance, housing allowance, dress allowance, toll allowance, sex allowance, sleep allowance, talk allowance, and fun allowance.

The various state agencies are reviewing the quit rent, assessment taxes, licensing and submissions, with a possible hike on all aspects.

Anyway, it is important that the recent Batu Talam by-election is clear indication that democracy exist and that the people, the citizen wants this government to continue, and a mandate was given, to ensure they continue... to plough, and plough more, as desired by the rakyat.


Unknown said...

Got sex allowance meh? I want also!

What the hack they said one year to study? Remember got a year the price increased twice or 3 times in a year?

Anonymous said...

Revision will come before the election.

Winning election is the ONLY priority. People's well-being, even country's, not sure if they even care.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget most of Malaysian ministers talk like layman lar even they have master degree here and there.

I blame the local papers. Poor contents lead to cronic brain damage.

- Death Star

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