Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Greatest News of the Year 2007 - Fallacy & Myth

Year 2007 began with a Big Bang!

First, it was the Flood, the worst since 1970.

Then, it was the Flood again.

Now, it's the greatest promise of all times, something unheard of, by analogy.

News 1: David vs Goliath

Caption: The birth of Bangsa Malaysia

1) Barisan Nasional will take on a 21-year-old independent candidate in Batu Talam, Raub.

If Barisan wins, no news. If Barisan Loses, Big News! The little boy just finish school and learning how to do sales. Would the Malay voters support a non-Malay candidate? Will Malaysia see a paradigm shift in the socio-political landscape? Will little independent David beat the giant Barisan Goliath? Will there be a new history beginning from Raub, the Malay heartland?

If it does, then, Bangsa Malaysia may thus begin from here.

News 2: Biggest Challenges of the Year

Caption: Dream Night for Dreamgirls

The National Education Blueprint will ensure a level playing field in education (observation: how is the level and at what level is level) for all Malaysians, declared Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

The blueprint is aimed to reform the foundation of education over the next 5 years and it's thrusts is to promote national schools as the school of choice and empower the teachers (observation: don't know how) and creating a clusters of schools which gives good schools more autonomy so as to generate top school students for our universities so as to produce the best graduates (Observation: I am confused; currently we had so many students who scored 4.0 CGPA, the highest score one can achieve, and tens of thousands of those with 10-13As in SPM. Yet, each year, there were problems of allocation of places in public universities and lack of scholarships for top students to enter universities. At the same time, MUST, the "ivy" uni could only have 10 students and nobody wants to be there. Best graduates? What does it mean? What's the criteria to be considered as best? ).

What did the experts say? Khoo Kay Kim: "We do not need this blueprint. We need to revive the old educational system before 1957. We do not have school sports, yet we produce second to none in Asia. Now our football team is ranked below Sri Lanka."

Assoc Prof Mohammad Ali Hassan: "The blueprint is first class, but.. we hope implementation isn't third class. Where is the monitoring system to ensure execution?

Dr Noraini was subpoenaed to the court to give her expert evidence on the behavior of rottweiler. Dr. Noraini confessed that she did not possess expertise on rottweiler's behavior and that her degree in veterinary medicine obtained from UPM did not have a course specifically focused on the behaviorial pattern of dogs. She said her testimony in court is based on the theory she gathered from her university lectures and reference books she used during her student days.

I am impressed. I will be far more impressed if that's what the education blueprint is about, by analogy. Without disrespect, the prosecution should have brought to court an expert witness who has the competency to provide the necessary information instead of just picking up someone somewhere. Her testimony is based from theory (that's fine) but it's based from the notes of the lectures and her books used during the student days? Why can't they just go research at the internet? There is far more information on the behavior of rottweiler in the internet than her textbooks and lecture notes.

News 3: Greatest Promise of all Promise.

Caption: Deliver World Champion vs a World Title

Proton, the BAM sponsor challenge the sport minister: Deliver a world champion.

Azalina promised: We will, but deliver a world title.

BAM President Nadzmi promised: We will strive for excellence but the draws must be kind to us.

News 4: Mega Merger Dilemma

Caption: Going Ahead or Going Head-On

PNB said: "We want to review the merger."

Pak Lah said: "The merger is on, we are going ahead with it."

Was there a catch? Is it the PM's need for merger or the business strategic plan for these corporation to reap benefits of consolidation? Personal benefits vs Corporation's business need?

News 5: The Man and the Myth

Caption: Semua Boleh, tapi,

Cakap Tak Boleh Serupa Bikin

The experts says: Even I can't save Barca's woes

The Malaysian says: I surely can, if only... given another new mandate

The expert says: Wake up from your dream and apologise.

The Malaysian says: I can turned off the light switch in my hotel room and was in bed before the room is dark.

Ya, it was day time.


Anonymous said...

"BAM President Nadzmi promised: We will strive for excellence but the draws must be kind to us"-- what Nadmi means but dares not say aloud is that Malaysia should be given at least 10 handcap service points per game. Then only can he deliver a village champion.

Khoo Kay Kim: "We do not need this blueprint. We need to revive the old educational system before 1957.-- Many of today's students would be literally slaughtered in the exam halls if they are given questions based on the pre-KBSM English Language, Mathematics, History, Science, Geography syllabi which have been tremendously watered-down over the past 50 years.

Helen said...

I wonder do anyone actually keep a record of all the annual resolution the garmen make? (and compare its successes)

I bet it's easier to strike the lottery than to bet on their 'winning' strategy.

Anonymous said...

Now the blueprint is out. So, how should it be cooked? Deep fried..steamed..boiled? Not for eating kah? sorry..sorry. But, not everybody use paper..some use water leh. Duno the toilets will be chocked or not.

Anonymous said...

That Kepala Otak Mr. Prime Minister is only good for talking COC*. No more no less...

Anyone related to him or his family, or even the family of DPM will make tons of monies (easy money) from this Mergers... and that Kepala Batas people are really the most dumb ones for electing a hope-less person to be their Mr. Prime Minister.

Malaysia Boleh, Malaysia Bodoh, even Malaysia Benggap is also can...

Anonymous said...

blueprint ~~~ apa dramanya? sama lah kan? bila dia cakap akan DEFINITELY INCREASE TEACHERS SALARY where base salary starts at 2,500 ...aaaa then only ada changes la.....that all teachers must have bachelor degreess....ahhhhhhhhh....masih sama sama dgn yang lain sejak zmn tun razak..national unity is main focus...national + vernacular schools...cluster schools....hmmmm c how la