She would strip her daughter and force her to have sex with her stepfather, while she stood by and watch. Other times, she would forced her daughter to sit by and watch while she have sex with her husband. The stepfather enjoyed the sexual intercourse with the 8-year-old daughter and he did it many times with her.
The daughter is only 8-year-old and the stepfather is 69-year-old!
Why would she want to do that?
How could a mother do that?
Having sex with your own daughter (tho' a stepdaughter only)?
Would a man do such thing? Would a mother do such thing?
Did God exist?
The daughter is only 8-year-old and the stepfather is 69-year-old!
Why would she want to do that?
How could a mother do that?
Having sex with your own daughter (tho' a stepdaughter only)?
Would a man do such thing? Would a mother do such thing?
Did God exist?
Suprisingly (or not?), majority of these reported cases happened to be in The Most Pious State in Malaysia (TM).
This disturbed me to no end.
Once, men had the fear of God/s
Then the fear of 'Men' by way of legislation
Now, there is simply no fear of either.
What will become of us?
wish they ll be burned in HELL~
Please state your source of the news.
F*cking psycho! This is exactly what I mean by a 'twisted' mentality. Amdist all that 'hoo hah' about piousness in Kelantan, lie sick individuals. Human beings are never going to be curbed by rules and law of any kind. The only thing which could help is education and of course, sex education.
I think both mother and step father have to be sent to jail. The poor girl is now scarred for life. What a disaster. F*ckwits!
N vd Veen
This is sick.
The mother is sick, the 69-yr old man is just as sick. For heaven's sake she's just 8. What satisfaction can a man derived from a child?
Malaysia boleh!
As I read that piece of news (BTW where did u get the news?) I was really seething with rage.
The poor girl...oh my God, I just can't imagine what an ordeal it must be for her and how she must be really traumatised by all the abusive episodes... and on top of that by the one who gave birth to her, whom I'm sure she must have really trusted initially.
Yes, may the step-father and the mother be burned in hell!!! Somebody please kill the two bastards first so that they can enjoy going to hell sooner.
Once again, please tell us where do u get this news.
Hi Anonymous,
The news is from the newspaper. Of course I have the link and the whole of the news scanned and archived.
You have made yourself anonymous to me and I can't reveal everything to satisfy an anonymous guy. You got to identify and sign in as someone whom I can addressed appropriately.
I just clarify the case in Kota bharu. Actually they are Thai family. They just cross the border to Malaysia and cought in Pengkalan Kubur for very bad behavior.
Thanks, Anon.
Your info is great.
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