Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Picture Funs

Many of my esteem readers expects me to write serious political articles. At times when I posted jokes and fun pics, there are some commenters who barks.

We can't just go through our days without some relaxation and fun. Lets not be too political every time and all the time.

Let's have some fun...

Mat Rempits have a lot of fun...

Malaysia not only planned to go to the moon, they plan to own it up too.

Watch out your car when you blog too much politics of the sleepy hollows

Eat, eat, eat, the big Mac

Too much eating and drinking... and you may not find the proper

At least, this man knows how to take pictures when they visit our nice bitches

Visit Malaysia Year, but where's the parking lots for this visitor?

Men, Viagra is Power, not Celcom!

Blogging is often tiring and stressful; have a nice nap, but...don't show off, ladies!


Helen said...

Gee, I sure wish I had those 'portable' pillows to nap on. Comes in useful too should I wish to wear bikinis ....

Anonymous said...

wah..they cannot stop open constructive discussions. what if they accuse this is an erotic site ya? lol