I am only the owner of this premise. A medical doctor wanted to rent this place from me. I am uneducated. How will I know that he is a certified person to practice medicine? Do the authority expect landlords to check the qualification and accreditations of professional tenants? Now I am charged by the authority under Private Healthcare Facilities and Services Act 1998 for allowing the practitioner to use my premise for an unlawful trade? Does the law impose a strict liability with a duty of care to check their tenants who are professionals? I have only known that I should not rent out my premise for gambling, prostitution, offensive drugs and refugees. Renting to medical doctors... is now included? But many others rent their premise to cyber-cafes which are literally run as mini-casinos? They don't have problem and none are charged in court? Why me?
2. Help me!
I am only a chief inspector of a mini pondok polis in Ulu Selangor. I earned a meager RM1,500 per month and have a wife and many children. Do you expect me to survive and be thrifty when everyday I had to struggle to find pocket money for my kids going to school?
So, I allow the Chinese here to operate entertainment centers because they said Ulu Selangor is boring and a dead town and that they wanted healthy entertainment outlet and promise they would not allow criminal activities. I allowed them provided they ensure that the Muslims are prohibited in places that are haram. They agreed. They had some playing machines which resembles those in the cyber-cafe everywhere in the city of Kuala Lumpur, Johor Bahru and Penang. I visited those cyber-cafes everywhere and found that they are allowed to operate with a licence; so I also allow. Why me? Why everywhere in the cities they are legal and Ulu Selangor Sekinchan is illegal? I am puzzled??? Can bloggers also help me since you all can help Jeff and Rocky by setting up a legal aid fund to finance their litigation cost. Will police bloggers and sympathisers also set up a fund to defend us when necessity arises?
3. Help me!
I am only a smallish council chief in a Ulu place where nobody wants to come here.
Why me? I only issue licence to bona fide business and they wanted cyber-cafe licence and showed me their proposal which is 100% compliance to the law. I also visit KL, Penang and Johor Bahru and find that the proposal was similar to those operated and licence there; so I approve lah. Why blame me when they also can do it in the cities? I am Bumi; please give me my rights and privilege...this is endorsed in the NEP and Malay Agenda. I am also UMNO. Why hurt a fellow Muslim and UMNO member? I had always supported the NEP and in fact practice it...the rights and privileges; what's wrong?
3. Help me!

I am only a smallish council chief in a Ulu place where nobody wants to come here.
Why me? I only issue licence to bona fide business and they wanted cyber-cafe licence and showed me their proposal which is 100% compliance to the law. I also visit KL, Penang and Johor Bahru and find that the proposal was similar to those operated and licence there; so I approve lah. Why blame me when they also can do it in the cities? I am Bumi; please give me my rights and privilege...this is endorsed in the NEP and Malay Agenda. I am also UMNO. Why hurt a fellow Muslim and UMNO member? I had always supported the NEP and in fact practice it...the rights and privileges; what's wrong?

Please help me. I'm helpless here in Batu Talam and urgently need the support from the opposition parties. The BN got DPM Najib and ex-MCA DP Lim Ah Lek to woo the voters. I only had my father and brother to campaign for me. Can bigshots or celebrities such as Anwar Ibrahim, Nik Aziz, Tian Chua, Hadi Awang, Raja Petra, Jeff Ooi, Rocky Bru and Susan Sloone help me?
Can Bloggers such as Howsy, Anak Merdeka, Lucia, Helen, FreeLunch, Shadowfax, Hasilox, Unspun, Tony Pua, EeLeen, Purple, Kenny, SeeFei, Suanie, 5XMom, TV Smith and Desiderata, Kickdefella and thousands of bloggers help me? I need help. Why are you all doing an elegant silent? Not fair to me when Jeff and Rocky got problem, all of you shout so loud to ban NST. Why don't you shout ban BN and back Ng Chee Pang? I may be 22; but I can serve the people.
5. Help me!

Pak Lah, please help me. The people moans that: the economy is growing at 6.5% as claimed by you. Inflation is 3%, our reserves in Bank Negara is growing and we have positive balance of accounts. There will be hundreds of billions to be spent in the 9MP. You have launched many projects, each of them hundreds of millions worth, and there is even a company in Penang who is helping to get USD50 billion loan which is more than enough to fund the whole 9MP and 10MP together with the taxes and dividends from Petronas, Genting, and GLCs; yet it was observed empirically that the masses are not doing well, in particular, those wage earners and government servants. WE had increase the price of fuel and petroleum products; we had increase the toll-rates, we had increase the price of food stuff and we had increase the price of cement and almost everything. We have increase everything we can think of except....salary; that's is what the people is complaining to me. I need help to explain to the people. We in Gerakan supported the Prime Minister's handling of the country's economy and that's why we want him to explain the true situation of our economy to the people. Is this asking too much? Afterall, he is PM and also finance minister.

Help me keep the cat in the bag...or in the cage.
Don't let the cat out. If those cat are far bigger in size and have other looks or even look like human beings, as long as they are cat, white cat or black cat, they are all cats..cage them by all means.
What about some cats in 4th floor? They are siamese pedigree? It's impossible to cage them because they had a sleepy dragon to protect them? They may even be related. So how? Oh, don't worry; I will get the tiger back to where he belongs....he will be back!!!
What about some cats in 4th floor? They are siamese pedigree? It's impossible to cage them because they had a sleepy dragon to protect them? They may even be related. So how? Oh, don't worry; I will get the tiger back to where he belongs....he will be back!!!
Ng Chee Pang the punk should consider himself lucky if he just loses his RM5,000 deposit(prepaid by some one else)in the by-election.
Worse is the possibility that he would lose not only his underpants(if he wears any) and his anal virginity. If that village idiot can't even get considered to be penghulu, how can he ever dream to get elected as ADUN!
beatles~~~rocks~~help, help, help,
help me if u can, i'm feeling down
help me get my feet back on the ground
help me turn my life around
help! help! help!
keep it coming mav. its delightful and it keeps me going during these dark times in the country.
many thanks.
I also need help, anyone want to offer the help for me?
Another help message:
Help me! It is no longer safe enough to loot the country's coffer. Some smart asses started questioning.
Have this call been answered?
Rocky & Jeff were sued by some Jaguh Kampung (luar pagar Boleh, boleh pakai tak?).
Highway protesters were arrested.
Another help call...
Help me! We performed very badly in the Asean Football Championship (AFC) and screwed up as host.
Help rendered. Almost no coverage at all in the local newspapers! How weird. English Premier League is given more coverage.
AFC is currently ongoing. Tomorrow (Tue, 23Jan) semi-final match is between Spore & Msia at Shah Alam Stadium. Try to find the coverage in the local newspapers.
How weird. The competition is still ongoing and the only coverage is about training in London!
"Pro&Kontra: Latihan di London diharap jadi titik kebangkitan bola sepak negara"
[Excerpt: LAWATAN Menteri Belia dan Sukan, Datuk Azalina Othman Said ke Wisma Persatuan Bola Sepak Malaysia (FAM), Rabu lalu bagaikan membawa sinar baru kepada pasukan bola sepak negara bahawa “esok masih ada.”]
More weird. The screwup not reported in local newspaper at all!
"Lions given a torrid welcome"
[Excerpt: "This is just ridiculous," fumed Avramovic. "I really wonder how Malaysia are going to host the Asian Cup later this year, if they cannot even get basic things like transport needs for teams right."]
If we think the spins reported are terrible, wait till we stumble upon the worthy news swept under the carpet.
Wah, so many help mes har?
Want to help CP boy har? He is so shy and anonymous, a sensintrovert perhaps? :P
Help Me!
I laughed so much I had to be hospitalised. But my insurance doesn't cover injuries caused by blog posts!
Personally, I think the country is beyond help unless the rakyat in general stand up and arise from their complacency. I know there's a fat chance of that happening, but I believe it's worth a last gasp try to try and help my country. We need to start letting the politicians, government and opposition, know that we will not take anymore of this bullshit they've been spoonfeeding us.
We should tell BN straight to go fuck itself if it thinks it's going to get away with the kind of racist talk we saw at last year's UMNO AGM. We should tell the government to go eat its own shit if it thinks "semuanya ok" and we can continue to languish with a horrid education system and an even more horridly inefficient economy. And likewise, the DAP should go fuck itself if it can't even consider casting itself as the future leaders of Malaysia, and start expanding its base to the Malay majority. Similarly, we should tell PKR to go jack themselves off if they want to continue holding meaningless protests instead of focusing on winning the power to help the country through the ballot box.
If we, the rakyat, don't stand up and help ourselves, our country is, in a word, fucked. And I don't want to be around in a decade or two when we start getting felt up by the old sick men of Asia like Indonesia and the Philippines - because that's where we're headed if we can't help ourselves. It'll be the death of Malaysia.
LOl nice post!!
In regards to Ng, dun underestimate the sympathetic votes generated by an underdog.
People always had this thing for the underdog. Other races will see him as not a threat and voting for him will be a much less act of betrayal against their own race.
John Lee, I am impressed by your extensive knowledge on the political philosophy. You will rise to be a great political analyst, if not, a politician yourself.
Hei Anonymous, How could you laugh till you are hospitalized? Claim Socso if insurance cannot pay because we had Hong Lee Pee, the ex-CEO from Pilecon who is the chairman.
Hasilox, you are so amusing.
Helen, let's bet the dark horse...win!LOL!
FreeLunch, when did you become a beetle's fan?
Kenny, what help did you need? Still purging?
Howsy, you now got another partner...sensitrovert No.2
If so, it probably won't be here, maverick. I'm very skeptical about the ability of Malaysians to help our country. We're a complacent lot, and I don't intend to be around when this complacency bites us in the ass. I will continue fighting for change, but I won't go down with a sinking ship. If I can't get the leaks plugged, I'll jump ship - and unfortunately, this is starting to seem more like a "when" rather than an "if".
I don't know much about politics until i read all your blogs. STAR newspaper should be banned first. All the shit news and political propagandas are messing with my brain. We all need help!
But leh.... god will only help those who help themselves... so vote wisely next time.
CP, hope this little story helps. a bunch of fresh faces won 33% of the vote running against the PM of singapore in last may election. this was widely reported in the media and you should draw some strength and inspiration from there.
To be a noble charitable being is to have a amiable of openness to the world, an gift to guardianship unsure things beyond your own pilot, that can front you to be shattered in very outermost circumstances pro which you were not to blame. That says something exceedingly weighty about the fettle of the honest autobiography: that it is based on a conviction in the up in the air and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a plant than like a jewel, something kind of feeble, but whose acutely item handsomeness is inseparable from that fragility.
To be a good benign being is to from a make of openness to the mankind, an skill to guardianship uncertain things beyond your own manage, that can take you to be shattered in hugely exceptional circumstances pro which you were not to blame. That says something remarkably important about the prerequisite of the principled compulsion: that it is based on a trustworthiness in the unpredictable and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a weed than like a treasure, something rather fragile, but whose extremely particular attractiveness is inseparable from that fragility.
In everyone's sustenance, at some pass‚, our inner foment goes out. It is then burst into flame at hand an be faced with with another hominoid being. We should all be indebted recompense those people who rekindle the inner inclination
In the whole world's life, at some occasion, our inner throw goes out. It is then blow up into zeal beside an contend with with another human being. We should all be under obligation recompense those people who rekindle the inner spirit
In harry's existence, at some pass‚, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into passion at hand an be faced with with another magnanimous being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit
In every tom's sustenance, at some time, our inner foment goes out. It is then break asunder into flame at near an be faced with with another human being. We should all be under obligation recompense those people who rekindle the inner spirit
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