MCA has come to accept the fact that the cyberspace and the bloggersworld will substantially tilt the balance of decisions of voters in the next general election.
Their plight rest on HOPE, the hope that bloggers will favor them or alternatively, those who aren't, did not exist anymore.

They blame global warming, except themselves. The funny thing... it didn't affect Singapore and Indonesia.

They blame the floods as the primary cause for deterring tourists. They also blame the season" "the first 3 months of the year is always a bit slow..."
But they are confident that it would be a success and the tourists will arrive soon after the flood recede.
They blame everything that they could think of.

Was there a problem with Pak Lah's international image?
Does any leader in the world need to promote and market their international image, unless, they didn't already have?
Why do a great sovereign leader need to boost their international image if he already had it? The event promoters are making our prime minister look like a dim-wit when they said they are currently promoting our prime minister's international image with the organising of 2 events of which they will be making some financial contribution to the London School of Economics for the setting up of a "Malaysian Room" where studies, discussions and debates on Malaysia will be carried out. Is there such a need to set up such room for such a purpose? There are only 160 Malaysian students in London School of Economics (LSE). Without a room, they can't discuss? The cyberspace is a room by itself and is borderless, without constraint of space and time, without a need for chairs and tables, no need to pay utility bills except a de minimis cost for contributing to a server system.
Are we bribing the London School of Economics and Cambridge University with these financial contributions? If not, it's kleptocratic-ism.
Don't know since when this blame 'culture' crept into Msia. We are in good hand as this is a failsafe approach. Worst come to worst, blame the god.
So now you can see why the price of petrol in this country will never come down. Our caring govt would prefer to spend that money obtained by not reducing the petrol price on dumb projects such as the "malaysian room" for 160 malaysian students, rather than relieve the pain of millions of petrol consumers.
Our great sovereign leader is truly the greatest caring pm in the world, or so he thinks.
dunno~~~it was a mysterious article on pak lah from london~~~~
but i think the temperature change is justified la~~~
MCA should fight for freedom of speech to attract borgeouis urban yuppies like us but they DO a lot for the kg2 folks now to buy their hearts~~
i am v impressed with their recent response to the floods~~they have demonstrated this time to be effective~~~:D
You know the Malaysian Room at LSE is all part of the Melayu 'image' obsessed traits. Nothing to do with efficient ROI, it all about, putting that old wine in a flashier bottle...
N vd Veen
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