Saturday, February 03, 2007

The Cock and Hen story

What's the moral of this story?


Anonymous said...

The moral is that immaculate conception can also occur to animals, or so as the befuddled hen tried to explain to the furious and unbelieving cockerel.

Maverick SM said...

Anonymous, I really love the moral code. Cheers!

chong y l said...

I was raped by an elephantine cock, I swear!

Henpecked hubby:
Yes, I heard about you sleep-walking when doing it, IZZIT?

Moral: If it can happen to human, it can happen to animals.
Animals don't kill, but humans do for the TriSexAct!
Mave: can you sponsr a CONfab: We Should Criminalise Sex, NOT WAR!

Maverick SM said...


I really love this piece from you.

Ya, criminal elephant-sex, not war! I will stand for that!