Saturday, February 03, 2007

Malays are not Lazy?

Malays are not lazy, says Najib.

I agree with you, Najib.

I had Malay friends who work from morning till night; who work as civil servants in the normal working hours and taxi drivers at night and the next day and each following day, they are back at work.

I had Malay friends who works every working days and on Sundays they attend post-graduate classes to enhance their knowledge and academic qualifications to provide hope for a better tomorrow.

But I have seen Malay politicians, they are at other peoples' office everyday, selling and marketing projects and opportunities based on political connections with legislators and UMNO leaders. Some can own shares in public-listed companies - 9 million - and need not borrow from banks because they had friends who would lent them without any need for collaterals and IOUs. These few, are extremely fortunate. However, this super-rich who lent, he don't lent to the poor Malays, he only lent to those who are "special" and who marry "special" woman.

There are no lazy Malays in Malaysia. There are only some Malays who do not need to work for a living because there is a system of hand-out that feeds and enrich them. It's called "Classical" NEP but not all Malays gets to enjoy it. It's for the "privileged" and those with "special rights".


O2Deprivation said...

Totally agree with you, but don't forget there is a group of privileged Chinese & Indian too, who enjoys the same benefit.

Anonymous said...

classical NEP~~~ yeah mah~~ agree with deprivation...actually i know many hardworking malays la....i really like working with malays...they are easy going and most are honest and compassionate.

Anonymous said...

Some work very hard to ensure NEP benefit only cronies and themselves. That is why hardworking Malays are also 'non-bumi'.

mob1900 said...

My cikgu Nadimah use to say,"Dia bukan BODOH, hanya Kurang Ilmu"
*He ain't stupid, just lack knowledge.

She is great! My teach.

Anonymous said...

I once asked a Chinese contractor renovating a government department office how he managed to secure his contract. Secure contract? He said the was the sub-sub-sub-sub-subcontractor. But he could make just enough to pay salaries and cover costs in-between tendering his own jobs rather than not keeping his resources actively working.

So, the gravy train stops when someone picks up the train to do some honest work. There are many contract traders who make money from securing contracts without really working. And the government awards inflated contracts paying with the taxpayers' money. Your money and my money, that is.

Maverick SM said...

Bayi, you are right and I deal with all these people everyday.

Anonymous said...

Also, Mave, by having to publicly affirm that Malays are not lazy in fact indicates that our DPM thinks many people believe they are.

You don't see or hear anyone shout in the media that the Chinese are NOT lazy! this is because everyone already know that they are not.

Having said that, I wish to qualify that I have worked with some first class Malays and some lazy Chinese too.

Anonymous said...

try thinking. for at least... 5 seconds and your whole perception of malays will change immediately.