Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Integrity, Honesty and Corruption.

Prime Minister Pak Lah drafted the code of ethics for all government representatives to follow at the last general election. Because of that, the BN would overwhelmingly. The Prime Minister’s Code of Ethics requires all BN representatives to declare their assets and submit quarterly “report cards” on their services to constituents.

The code strongly emphasises integrity, honesty and the total rejection of corruption. It also spells Pak Lah’s wish list of do’s and don’ts.

The code indicated the administration’s commitment to a clean, transparent and strong government. The PM himself personally drafted the ethics. The code is holistic and touches on salient points covering all important matters concerning ethics.

Prime Minister Pak Lah said Deputy Internal Security Minister Datuk Mohd Johari Baharum, who is facing allegations of corruption, need not resign while investigations are carried out.


"[because] This has been the normal practice," Pak Lah said.

How normal is normal? Isn't corruption normal? Mahathir said the Kubang Pasu divisional delegates were paid RM200 each to vote him (Mahathir) out. Is that normal too?

Asked whether Johari’s position as a deputy minister of Internal Security would complicate investigations by the police as the ministry oversees the police force, the prime minister said: "I was told by the Inspector-General of Police that the investigations have been handed over to the Anti-Corruption Agency. So there is no complication."

How come no complication?

The ACA chief is also being investigated for corruption. Isn't this complicated?

The alleged corrupt chief investigate another alleged corrupt. Wow, damn complicated, Mr Prime Minister.

How can a person who is being investigated investigate another? A pot calls a kettle black? No they won't. It's birds of a feather flocks together.

ACA deputy director-general Datuk Ahmad Said Hamdan said the controversy surrounding his boss, Datuk Seri Zulkipli Mat Noor, had also affected the morale of officers.

"I have to admit, the perception of the people against us has been affected," Ahmad said.

"However, the investigations (against Zulkipli) are already on and are being handled by the police. Let’s allow them to do the job as we have checks and balances to handle this kind of thing."

This is the new conundrum: The ACA chief will be investigating the Internal Security Minister and the Police chief is investigating the ACA chief and a number of police are being investigated by the ACA. That's a vicious cycle.... the corrupt audit the corrupt and then audited by another corrupt. The system is full of worms... Integrity? Honesty? Clean government? Transparency? Oh my god, we have fallen into the dark ages now.

I will not be surprised that ultimately, after all the investigations between the three departments, those indicted will be the bloggers who were the "whistle blowers".

We better stop "whistle blowing". Let the corrupt system decay. We have end up as the proletariat paupers irrespective. I wonder what would Karl Marx had to say if he is still alive and is teaching in Malaysia.

No wonder he shows the thumps up sign.

Nothing to worry as long as the birds of the same feather were together.

The pot and kettle won't call each other black; for they are white.

Sir, I will join you too ... I too need RM5mil. We are all clean and efficient.


Anonymous said...

Karl Marx will have nothing to say if he is still alive because Jews and Communists are not allowed to teach in Malaysia. This is an Islamic state as declared by Mahathir the Great.(Too bad the great fella can't get any "Nobel Hate Prize" for his virulent anti-semitic policies)

From the pic, the double thumps up sign indicates that the price of his services is no longer RM5.5million, but doubled to RM11million. But there are sure to be many crooks who are willing to pay to gain their freedom even though the service charge has doubled.

What the PM means is that should there be any irregularities involving the PM, the investigations will be handed over to the Prime Minister's Dept. So we can be damn sure there will never ever be any complication

Anonymous said...

When the gahmen turn to dog that chase it tails, you know it is going to be SNAFU.

Anonymous said...

My uncle is a sam seng. He is now in the lokap for 2 years for showing a toy knife to a police man whom he was severely punished for a crime he did not commit.

Pak Lah, apa loh you kasih Latuk Johari bebas tanpa bicara!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

RELA - We are right. Everyone else is wrong.

This has become normal!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Dr

Many of us appreciate the PM training conducted by you eventhough some might not agree with your differences of opinion. Anyway differences of opinion should be argued intelligently and not let emotion overwhelm oneself and passed judgment ex-parte contrary to the Principle of Natural Justice when one party was not even given the chance to be heard.

Anyway back to article posted by you. According to Paklah it is a normal practice to allow the officer under investigation to continue holding the post during investigation. No wonder 85% of the cases could not be brought to court for lack of evidence. Guess what happened to the evidence?

Remember the Chinese school case somewhere in Johor handled by JKR. A senior JKR officer was put in lock up while under investigation by the BPR. Well it seems to me that different rules apply to the minnows. What happen to the maxim a person is presumed innocent until proven guilty in this case as paraded by PM and Nazri Aziz. If the same rule applies, then those under investigation should also be put in lockup while being investigated. So much for transparency, integrity and honesty.

Anonymous said...

when is pak lah gonna resign>>>>>>>>this johari really thick skin la..all the UMNO all thick skin semua sian lah

Anonymous said...

Pak Lah's integrity and honesty could have been 100% solid. Corruption in bolehland could have been 0%. All problems are caused by bloggers!

No complain, no problem.
No complain, no corruption.
The boleh way.

Anonymous said...

well said, maverick. birds of the same feather flock together. that includes the PM! hmm...very clean ya!

Maverick SM said...

JKR Lover,

The rules of Pak Lah is applied differently and the case in Johor is evidential of two or more sets of rules.

As long as you are corrupt and corrupt big, then you are OK.

Anonymous said...


That Mr. Primitive Minister will say "Integrity and Work With Me"... and laugh out loud behind us.

Just look at his face and you know that he came from the Old Primitive World... Don't he trying to Fool us or God Al Mighty, but rest assured he is the One that is being Fooled.

Sad to say, but that is the reeality of Life when Materialistic replaces GOD.

Most cabinets members look alike him too and this "Joe Si Tanggang" is no different either. May GOD bless him with peace - day night and even while squatting in Toilet.

The truth will prevails, anytime.
