Thursday, March 22, 2007

Joke for the day.

The Secretary's Interview

A boss has to interview four girls for a secretary's position. He thought of a question and asked each one of them:

Boss: "A woman normally has two mouths, What's the difference between the two?"

The first one answered: One can talk but the other can't.

Second answered: one is vertical and the other is horizontal.

Third answered: one is hairy, the other isn't.

The last one answered: One is for my use and the other is for my boss.

Boss: You're hired!

(update: Bayi's request)


Anonymous said...

Can you show us a picture of the secretary? :)

Anonymous said...

Which hole's for her own use and which is for the boss. Makes a big difference...kekekeke

Anonymous said...

One is still enjoying sucking "milk" while the other one doesn't.

Anonymous said...

hahahhaha yeah i want to see your secretary man....hahahahhahah is that how she got hired?