Bloggers are generally Malaysian citizens and had wide followings amongst the voters-at-large. Though they may write about political opinions which may be criticising the various officers and executives of the ruling regime, however, their opinions are merely their own opinions and readers are not being suppressed or indoctrinated by such opinions as they have their own ideology and would know how to analyze those situations. The rakyat are not stupid people. Most of them, if not all, have the ability and mental capacity to think and decide wisely. Bloggers won't be able to psycho them nor impose doctrines on them. The Ministers and the leaders should know it as the Barisan Nasional had been voted into power, each and every general election since Independence. If these Ministers doubted the rakyats ability and intellectuality, it's contempt and an insult to the citizen at large.
The ministers and political masters should use their intelligence and ability to convince the rakyat instead of trying to use undue influence or applying duress as means of subjecting the rakyat in order to retain power.
The words of Zam in his comments about bloggers testifies as to the intelligence of the ministers that was elected to govern the nation. Zam said:
"When people involved in politics want to use blogs for their political interest or when blog operators are politically-motivated, we have to know who they are. Politics is meant to gain influence among the people, politics is meant to obtain power. When it comes to power, it's the people who are in control. When the people use the power, they'll have to identify themselves. They are dishonest if they hide themselves when talking about politics."
Zainuddin said in the quest for political power, people were willing to resort to slander, disseminate lies, use unauthorised sources or choose not to verify the source of the information.
"This is very dangerous as they are writing and taking steps to gain power. Their objective is to topple the government, widen the reach of their political doctrine and assist any parties for political purposes," he said.
I could never imagine that our ministers have such opinions. It's sounds moronic and the words are unintelligible. How could it be that the bloggers of which many of them are youngsters and who were not even members of political parties, have objective to topple the government? Is our government so fragile that it can be toppled by a few bloggers? The opposition parties such as PAS, DAP and KeAdiLan had far greater resources and members, and who had participated in the general elections, standing against the Barisan Nasional. Yet, they could not topple the BN government. How could it be that a few, even a few hundred bloggers could topple the BN who had members amounting to millions and who had so much resources and power to twist and turn things their way.
The statement made by Zam lacks, not only intelligence and wisdom, but suggests that the government and the ruling regime were more prepared to suppress or subdue any form of criticism and dissatisfactions of those rakyat who wish to voice their opinions publicly, of which they could not do so via the normal medias who are controlled by ball-carriers and appointed cronies. It was well known that the leaders and those in control of the medias were more interested in their personal fortune and personal wealth enhancement and were prepared to sacrifice anything and anyone in order to attain those objectives. They had proven to be unreliable source of information and were prepared to spin informations that were designed to hook wink and malign the public.
Observing the situations and the decadent attitudes of those in power from the ruling regime, it does seemed that the people are getting fed up with the ministerial guiles and virulent behaviors. They had turned themselves to be dolichocephalics and despots.
If the negative attitudes and pernicious acts continues, they would end up the losers and be rejected by the people of the nation. As an advice, the only and appropriate solution is not to use power to intimidate the people but to work hard to prove to the people that they had served the rakyat well and had only the citizens interest in everything they do.
The government must always be the government of the people, for the people because they were put into power by the people. Good luck ministers and see you in the next general election.
did this zam guy use slander, disinformation, lies to reach the current political position? is he not politically ambitious? would he in future use the alleged devious means to achieve his political ambitions?
goodness gracious, how many bloggers are politically inclined and are members of political parties?
i can sense that the govt is desperate to regain complete control of the media space; failing which more and more citizens, with the benefit of free flow of information, will be able to see for themselves the acutal prevailing situation.
Bloggers are slanderous..
what about bloggers who blog about reality?
I don't see putting forth reality is slanderous. Do you?
Note: I've been told to stop. I've been censored as well.
"Polylogism has a peculiar method of dealing with dissenting views. If its supporters fail to unmask the background of an opponent, they simply brand him a traitor...Polylogism is not a philosophy or an epistemological theory. It is an attitude of narrow-minded fanatics, who cannot imagine that anybody could be more reasonable or more clever than they themselves."
Quoted from "Omnipotent Government" http://www.mises.org/story/1457
Everyone who discusses issue of public interest are politically motivated. Right, this speaks a lot about the quality of the minister.
He tops the clown-list for the number clowning so far. Clowns belong to circus, don't they? In bolehland, there is this somewhere else.
I seriously hate to be governed by a bunch of paranoid idiots. Not just paranoid but also unable to reason.
The sad thing is, I am not even sure if they are going to get kicked out at the next election. Why? because there's too many 'chickenshits' out there who'd swallow the jingoisitic and theological manoeuverings, all primitively done to manipulate. And sorry to be so skeptical.
You know where I stand on this one don't you?
Sad nonetheless.
What about the half-truths that the ruling govt dishes out to the public in mainstream media controlled by them? Just look at the current "feel-good" stories coming out from Machap.
I think all this negative news agst socio-political bloggers will make the coming So-Po gathering interesting, as in who will be the uninvited guests turning up to register the invited guests?? :-(
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