Thursday, May 17, 2007

Chicken & Duck Talk Cock

Is this Talking about Fruits or Fruitful Talks?

Does Chicken understand Duck Talks about Cocks?

Singapore Lee Hsien Loong said arbitration is still the better solution to the bilateral problems between both countries. HL Lee gave the example of Pulau Batu Putih's conflict resolution in which both countries agreed to put the matter before the International Court of Justice to be adjudicated. To HL Lee, this is the possible model solution for both countries to deal with all other issues as well.

Is that called Fruitful? It's truly a Durian-type solution!


mob1900 said...

Leaving it before the International Court of Justice means two parties couldn't resolve it among themselves! Aiyor, this NastyPee paper is really something. Spin loyar buruk. kakakak Good one Mave.

Anonymous said...

Is durian a bad omen? Just couple of days ago, spreans talked about a msian selling durians at exorbitant price using questionable tactic. 2 durians for S$130!,4139,130309,00.html