Sunday, May 27, 2007

Tales of Two Cities (part 11)

How do you get to heaven

A Sunday School teacher was testing the children in class to see if they understood the concept of getting to heaven.

She asked them, "If I sold my house and my car, had a big garage sale and gave all my
money to the church, would that get me into Heaven?"

"NO!" the children answered.

"If I cleaned the church every day, mowed the yard, and kept everything neat and tidy, would that get me into Heaven?"

Again, the answer was, "NO!"

By now she was starting to smile. Hey, this was fun!

"Well, then, if I was kind to animals and gave candy to all the children, and loved my husband, would that get me into Heaven?" she asked them again.

Again, they all answered, "NO!"

She was just bursting with pride for them.

Well, she continued, "then how can I get into Heaven?"

A five-year-old boy shouted out,


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