If the high-rise buildings used individual meter, the charges will be $0.57/mc for the first 20mc, RM1.03 for usage exceeding 20 but not exceeding 35mc, and RM2.00/mc for usage exceeding 35mc. The minimum monthly charge is RM6.00
Various high-rise residents associations are calling for the authority to legislate guidelines to make it compulsory for management corporations of high-rise residential buildings to migrate from bulk water meters to individual water metering system.
The associations believed that it will be a big savings for the residents.
I am not sure how they do their mathematics. From observations, most households would have consumption between 40-50mc of water.
If you consumed 40mc of water, the charges for individual meter would be RM36.85,
but if you use bulk meter, the charges will be RM35.00 (minimum charges).
If you consume 45mc, individual meter charge will be RM46.85 and bulk meter charge will be RM36.00.
For those who are charge by bulk meter, they must use at least 44mc as this would be the minimum charge.
However, those household who use less than 39mc, it would be more economical if they are charged by individual meter. Charges for 39mc using individual meter will be RM34.85 and in similar position, those who use bulk meter will be charge RM35.00.
The PJ S5 Residents Association is calling the authorities to legislate to make it compulsory for management corporations to use individual meters. But I suppose they should do their mathematics first before they complain. If the households are using more than 45mc of water, they would be paying more using the individual meter as compared to bulk meter.
Furthermore, it is fallacious to seek this sort of legislation. If truly, using individual meters is more economical for households, then they should seek the authority to legislate the tariff control, that means, all household would be charge using a single standard irrespective of the meter.
If you have headache, you don't seek treatment and blame your balls.
So, household who use more water would be better off with the bulk meter.
Are those high rise resident association confused?
my monthly bill is RM15 (max; min RM8)..I live in an apartment. how come?
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