This is the largest digging machine (or trencher or rotating shovel) in the world. It was built by Krupp and is shown here crossing a road in Germany on the way to its destination, an open air coal mine. It was cheaper to make the machine self-propelled than to try and move it with conventional hauling equipment. Some factoids:
* The machine is 95 meters high and 215 meters long (almost 2.5 football fields in length)
* Weight is 45,500 tons
* It took 5 years to design and manufacture at a cost of $100 million
* Maximum digging speed is 10 meters per minute
* Can move more than 76,000 cubic meters of coal, rock, and earth per day

What is your comment on current issues about CTOS? In your opinion, based on laws that we have in msia, does CTOS has a right to expose anybody information on the credit record? How actually they manage to get all those information?
Can we sue CTOS for exposing or supplying those information our consent?
Just looking at the picture, I thought it was another Transformer post. lOL
With regards to your first commentator, I too would like to know your CTOS stand.:-) Personally, I do not find anything wrong. THose information CTOS obtain are from notices in the newspaper legal firm put up by orders of the court. It's no secret. Nobody's complaining why the Law requires the notices to be put up in mainstream newspaper? Blek.
FYI, Krupp is company founded during the William II era in Germany. At that time, Krupp was awarded the contract to build German's Navy. The Navy race with Royal Navy of Great Britain (world largest that time) eventually lead to WW1. Coincidently, William II, the German emperor was married to Queen Victoria's daughter.
If we can sue CTOS, it is my opinion we MUST sue most of the banks! This is because they abuse our database to their credit card, personal home loan and other commercial units.
In the world of IT, our privacy is at its most vulnerable to corporate greed. Having our personal data ensure their sales department to execute a fast track fire sales promotion to us.
IMHO, US$100 millions is DIRT cheap.
Assume 1 labor can move 30cubic meter of coal, this machine replace 3,800 workers.
Holy cow!! It's like a HUGE, GIANT, MONSTER!!!
OMG!!! Such a big machine only $100 mil? If in here I don't think so!
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