Hi dear, why are you here?

Oops! You can't surf here...there's shark!

I'm just a chicken crossing the narrow bridge of discourse, ok!

Don't bully me, I'm just a blogger.

You don't have to take off your leg if I only request you to take off the shoe

Well, we are all friends in this cyber world...
Happy Weekend!
nice and meaningful piece. we share, we learn in this cyber world.
Thanks! :-)
Where did you find all those pictures?
hi Mave,
you always give me inspirations
A picture paints a 1,000 words. Good.
nice one :)
btw, that's not the shark, it's a dolphin... the dorsal fin belongs to dolphin (unless that shark had a cosmetic surgery, and sharpen its fin..)
Chilling out, eh Mave?? You're one cool cyber-friend and it's been a great pleasure to have made your acquiantance here. :-D
combination of real photos plus good photoshop editing i guess... nice one
Famil, thanks as I couldn't differentiate between shark and dolphin. I mean it in this picture.
Zul, I did not edit the pics but arrange it with a theme which I like to express to my readers.
AM, I am chilling out!
Helen, those pics are sent to me and I just collect them and collate them.
William, thanks.
To all Anons and esteem readers, thanks.
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