"We don't know if they had a hidden agenda but it is a coincidence that those victimised are mostly Malays?" Khairy said.
Source: thesundaypost, home, p21, July 15, 2007.
Is this a racial issue too? Coincidence? There is no coincidence; it's factual published materials of factual existence of facts that existed in the databases of banks, courts and law journals.
The issue with CTOS was centered on the legality of distribution of private databases for commerical usage for a profit and the legal duty of care imposed on the party who sold such information for a profit whether it include the duty to update informations.
Why has CTOS issue used as a racial conspiracy?
What will happen to the nation if any and every issue of the society is construed within the context of conspiracy theory of races and religion?
What will the future bring, Carl Jung posed? Jung expresses that, in times of physical, political, economic and spiritual distress, our eyes turn with anxious hope to the future. Today, we are again living in an age filled with apocalyptic images of universal destruction. What is the significance of a split which divides humanity into many halves? What will become of our civilization, and of man himself?
Everywhere there are subversiveness, sheltered by our humanitarianism and our sense of justice, holding the incendiary torches ready, with nothing to stop the spread of their ideas except the critical reason of a single, fairly intelligent, mentally stable stratum of the population. One should not overestimate the thickness of this stratum as it varies with national temperament. It is dependent on public education and is subject to the influence of acutely disturbing factors of a political and economic nature.
The gift of reason and critical reflection is not one of man's outstanding peculiarities. The mass crushes out the insight and reflection that are still possible with the individual, and this necessarily leads to doctrinaire and authoritarian tyranny if ever the constitution should succumb to a fit of weakness.
Rational argument can be conducted with some prospect of success only so long as the emotionality of a given situation does not exceed a critical degree. If the effective temperature rises above this level, the possibility of reason's having any effect ceases and its place is taken by slogans and chimerical wish-fantasies. This rapidly develops into a psychic epidemic. In this state, the rule of reason stops........... the manifested insanity is that of a collectively excited group ruled by affective judgments and wish-fantasies. The chimerical ideas, upborne by fanatical resentment appeal to the collective irrationality and find fruitful soil there.
There are, therefore dangerous sources of infection as this so-called normal people possesses only a limited degree of self-knowledge though they may parade distinctive qualification.
Today, it is recognized that the task of medical doctors consist in treating the sick person, not an abstract illness.
For the SIL, even if the facts are such that the majority of defaulters are Malay, that must be attributed to coincidence as Malays are not defaulters.
Is he in a state of denial or are the rest of us blind ? He needs only to review the defaulters list of the govt education loan schemes to see that there is also a "coincidence" there.
Gali Jambanludin bugger will harp on anything that he can and turn it into Malay , Non-Malay; Muslim , Non-Muslim type of thing to garner political support.............despicable.
Why does that racist Son-In-Law have to turn it into a racial issue every time ?
Some obvious statistics which bear on the CTOS data
a) The majority of loan borrowers in this country are Malays
b) The majority of loan defaulters in this country are Malays.
Now I am HURT by his remarks
I find it hard to understand how all his education can go to such waste and ended up becoming a person who is such a threat to national unity in the truest sense.
If CTOS is run by Malays, all the defaulters will be forgiven! This is how Khairy and gang wants it.
If the Malays are the majority in population, what else does KJ expect? The way he siad it, it was as though somebody manipulated CTOS to discriminate the Malays! Isn't this intentionally seditious?
It's very sickening to see the pattern. The crimes in JB, the teacher punching the students - too many bastardly politicians trying to stamp it with racial issues. One day they may succeed.
Just as Hitler made Jews the scapegoats for Germany's ills, so the silly SIL has to find someone to take the blame for his race's shortcomings. Else how to defend his post of deputy youth chief
such comments stink. is this a product of oxford? how low can a politician stoop? search no more and juts ask this man.
The Malays dont pay taxes, appear prominently in the CTOS list, and want the NEP in perpetuity.
Whats wrong with that picture? Wake up. Get into the real world.
The ELECTION is near.
This idiot SIL is building up his political capital - through the usual umno race, religion pack again.
You dont need CTOS to know that most of the financial defaulters are MALAY.
Like it or not 0 this is the #! FACT in bolehland financial circus!
The banks/financial institutions know this FACT. BNM knows this FACT.
There is an unwritten rule among the bolehland financial circus that if the borrower is a urban Malay be prepare to go to court to recover the money. If the borrower is umnoputras be prepare to write off the loan!
This is NOT racial steoretyping.
THIS IS THE OWN DOING OF these uumno Malays.
Folks , let me relate something I saw the other day.
There was this Malay man with his wife and children at the payment counter of a hypermarket, after he tried eight or nine credit card then only one manage to get authorisation for payment.
I suppose the other credit cards are at their credit limit or near its credit limit.
Mind you , the amount to be paid was only RM 200 plus.So I can imagine that sooner or later he will be one of the defaulters for credit card payment and ends up as one of the data for CTOS.
Khairy, most of the people in Malaysian public universities are Malays. Is there a hidden agenda?
i think its easy to imagine why the statement could be correct that most defaulters are malays.... logic & statistics says so
- more than 50% of our population is malays
- banks (being GLCs) have been encouraged to lend more to malays (maybe, this statement could be wrong)
- hence, the law of numbers says that naturally the percentage of defaulters would tend to accumulate to that race
So, what is so bad about that, you borrow, you default, you therefore, are labelled.
if you wish to reverse that trend, then lend more to non-malays, that would change the trend, then you could proudly says that malays default less.
ha ha
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