The contest is organized by Multimedia Developmnent Corporation (MDeC) and Institute of Higher Learning (IHL) in Malaysia and backed by the Science, Technology and Innovation Ministry and Higher Education Ministry.
From the contest, we hope to be able to groom a Malaysian who would be as successful as Bill Gates, if not, much richer and more intelligent.
Those students who have lower aspiration can participate in the 2nd Category, that is, Ananda Khrisnan.
As Malaysia is driving the economy at a fast pace, it is imperative that, since we will be having the first astronaut on the moon, it has now become necessary to move into higher gear, and what better dream could we Malaysian have other than discovering within our Malaysian students, the genius who could emulate Bill Gates' success and riches.
In fact UMNO Youth would soon proposed to the government to sponsor and develop some of their leaders who could be at least 0.5 Capacity of Bill Gates. As a quick start, the government may consider selecting the current youth leaders to undertake extensive course on wealth and technology innovation. Presently, there are a few leaders who had the attitude and passion to succeed at such high level. Those aspiring leaders who had a passion for technology products and constantly update their lifestyle would be the likely choice. The aspiring candidate must also have good educational background, such as a degree from an Ivy league U. Dropouts may also be considered as we also know that Bill Gates was also one.
Since the name 0f Ananda and Gate are both men, some women organization had felt that the contest may be considered gender bias. At such, the government may later organize another contest for aspirants of the like of Paris Hilton or Martha Steward.
Though Malaysia is only 50 this year, the nation hope to achieve this dream within one year. We believe this dream is not too far-fetch or illusory.
What do you all think? Would you think Malaysia Boleh? Is one year too short a time?
To be fair, I've not really read the news, but my first reaction reading the headlines here was "what's the point?"
Why do we want to do that?
Just doesn't make sense. It'll make more sense if the garmen just concentrate on making the lives of ordinary rakyat more bearable.
Malaysia Boleh. Semuanya OK!
Malaysia alredy has its Bill Gates-- the SIL, a bum who is unemployed but yet own billions. And his FIL says "I don't know"
boleh! semuapun boleh in bolehland!
watch out bill gates! watch out world! malaysia will produce the world' richest man in a year's time!
It USA IT are as hostile and slump as Malaysia, you will NEVER see Microsoft, HP, Compaq, Dell.
In Malaysia, you must be KNOW WHO to success. If you want to build know how business, better selling through oversea channel, the chance of success is higher.
Have you ever hear any local SME IT firm selling skill successfully compare to "know who" firm?
Before we start talking about the Bill Gates wannabe, let's take a step back and find out how far we have fared in the 'Look East' policy. We wanted to emulate the Japanese and Koreans, so may we know what has happened to the many bumiputras who participated in this Look East programme? I believe it has failed because when one who is crawling, one should not try to do a 100m sprint. After the crawl, learn how to walk. After learning to walk, then learn how to run. So before we aspire to be another Bill Gates or whatever, read his book "Hard Drive" first. If you can do what he did, then go ahead. Otherwise, what do I think? Dream on, that's all I can say.
What we, or more accurately our "leaders", have done is to emulate the Mat Jenin type of culture whereby instead of learning to crawl, they learn to dream (they gave a nice name to it, i.e. to "visionize")
In their drea...errr, visions, they saw themselves as 'prophets' and 'gods' destined to enrich themselves at the expense of their countrymen.
I thought our leaders are very good already....better than P Ramlee. They are good actors!! Especially now general elections are coming. So we are making "clones"...I want to be a Semi Valued!!
The late Tan Sri P Ramlee was a class of its own. He was really one person who didn't need any tongkat to get him where he was. He practised meritocracy and it was for this reason, his work is so well remembered not only by the Malays, but more so, by the non-Malays like myself. He competed amongst the best and went on to represent Malaysia at the Hong Kong Film Awards, I believe they called it the Golden Horse Award then. He stood shoulder to shoulder with the best in Asian film industry and I was truly proud of this man because I saw him then as a Malaysian and not a Malay. I could even sing some of the songs he recorded. Try getting today's non-Malay youths to sing any contemporary Malay songs????? If anybody who could bring the races together, it is definitely not our prime minister, but P Ramlee.
This is so unfair. America's Bill Gates didn't get help from the government... :-)
There are only two characters you shouldn't be. One, a AMNO Nazi and the other, a sleeping zoombie !! You can be a botak chin, robin hood, Mother Teresa...anyone but not a SIL, a parasite.
Serious? at least 0.5 Capacity of Bill Gates?
I smelt other agenda happening here.
To be a upright lenient being is to be enduring a philanthropic of openness to the world, an ability to trust undeterminable things beyond your own pilot, that can front you to be shattered in uncommonly extreme circumstances as which you were not to blame. That says something uncommonly outstanding about the condition of the righteous autobiography: that it is based on a trust in the fitful and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a plant than like a jewel, something somewhat tenuous, but whose very item attractiveness is inseparable from that fragility.
In everyone's sustenance, at some occasion, our inner pep goes out. It is then bust into flame at near an face with another hominoid being. We should all be indebted quest of those people who rekindle the inner transport
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