Sunday, July 29, 2007

UMNO has a Culture of Inducement, says Najib

Deputy Prime Minister and UMNO Deputy President Najib Tun Razak called on UMNO leaders not to sell their souls for money.

Najib cited this proverb:

Belah buluh dengan kapak,

Kalau hulur baru nampak!

Why did Najib made this call?

He must have noted with clarity that UMNO members would sell their souls for money.

Najib did finally discover the profound knowledge...

UMNO has a Culture of Inducement...


How true, Najib. You are absolutely right.

It has taken you a long time to finally come to discover and acknowledge it.

But, could an ingrained-calcified culture be able to make amend?


Anonymous said...

Utter rubbish!! Which political party gives out the most inducements from policies to real money?? Devil gives devil takes. What nonsense.

Anonymous said...

I think he want to monopoly the inducement. ROFL.