Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Missing Nurin

RockyBru's Plea!

Bloggers, please help. This 8-year old has been missing for 28 days. I am a parent, too, and my heart goes out to her parents. The least I could do is pray for her safe return and, as a blogger, let as many people know about Nurin through the blogsite her dad has set up to help find the baby he's lost.

It's nurinjazlin.blogspot.com. Please do a link, fellow bloggers.


Anonymous said...

Round up all the unemployed/unemployable illegal immigrants, finger-print them and pack them home, with a warning that they would be publicly whipped(like Singapore is doing) should they ever return. Then the crime rate will drop to the level of the 1950s

Helen said...

You've probably heard it by now. They confirmed the DNA of the dead girl found inside the bag is actually her.