Today is the 15th day of the Autumn month.
It's mooncake festival.
Let's have mooncake today. Find your choice below...
It's mooncake festival.
Let's have mooncake today. Find your choice below...

This mooncakes was donated by BayiSingh from South Africa.
Please contact him if you need any free mooncake.
Please contact him if you need any free mooncake.
wahh! too lovely to be eaten so i'm not going to eat the mooncakes.
in fact i had never eaten mooncakes before. yalah i don't like mooncakes at all, just like i don't like durians, and also the round glutionous ball (during the 'than chek' festival).
Mmmmm! They look delicious.
waa looks good!!
Africa? Ask Bayi got diamond mooncakes or not? lol
Many younger generations of Chinese descent forgot the historical significance of the "mooncake" and why they were made. Today, exploited by cultural commercialization and businessmen, the prices are ridiculously astronomical. To me, it is not worth the buy, which runs to a few hundred ringgit (as an advertisement ran). Nothing against latest varieties (so many) despite making choices difficult for many but prefer the electronic versions (bake your own mooncakes in the computer). "Bastardization" of the cultures continue.
Better than diamond mooncakes. Let me show you my diamond mine when you come to S Africa. You can have the small stones that the buyers don't really pay attention to. :)
ask bayi send one to my house..hehe, look different and yum yum...
Cos of blogger buddies like maverick N aweofhelen, aweways showering myuself with MC Hipraises and past&PRESENTries, Desi composed another MC SERENADE tonight (sept 25) to TEA-se thee. Come Eat Now (CHow!):):):):)
If you come to S Africa, it's "yam lei sek". Delivery service is for Dr Yeoh only. He's the Special One, like Jose Mourinho. :)
Thank U, sir!
Desi, I have read your poem.
Helen, Lucia & TheMalaysian, you can get some from BayiSingh. He made it in South Africa.
William, you must call him Uncle Bayi.
Nowadays we have mooncakes in various shape, sizes and forms similar to corruption!- mmudahlupa
Hmm...I don't think these are mooncakes. From similar pics I've seen on the Net, these are more likely to be Japanese traditional sweets called wagashi.
Unless it's some new-age mooncakes designed to look like wagashi. ^_^ I won't be surprised if that's the case.
This came late.. but Happy Mid Autumn Festival!!
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