"Without a degree, it will be very difficult for them in politics."
"It is not a question of merely serving the people anymore. Those days are gone."
"If these assemblymen want to be somebody in politics one day and be appointed an executive council member or become a member of parliament, they have to further their studies."
At a certain point, I do agree with Tajol Rosli. Lack of educational qualification is a disadvantage and often can be equated to lack of knowledge and competencies. Knowledge of philosophy, psychology and sociology, including political science and jurisprudence, are a necessary elements for good management and governing. Parliamentarians and State Assemblymen are law-makers, and they have a fiduciary duty to perform, to serve the people, the society and the whole spectrum of the community they represent. At such, lacking in theories and applications of the knowledge areas can be detrimental and often led to discriminative thoughts and myopic discernments, leading to racial and religious segmentation and disintegration.
However, having a degree means nothing if the knowledge is not inculcated and ingrained within the thoughts spectrum. Far worse is the fact that we can "PURCHASE or NEGOTIATE" a degree quite easily in Malaysia. If you can research and observe our Malaysian universities, you may realize that the system is made to generate and mass produce graduates without the basic and fundamental knowledge. The universities basically rush out the production line, passing everyone, making every students happy. We manufacture graduates; they need not necessary have the knowledge. The classes are conducted mechanically; we generate automatons.
This statement seems harsh and "Unbecoming". But the truth is always painful and "degrading". However, a truth is a truth, and as long as our torpid mentality continues to rules our system, our obtuseness will lead us to a moronic state and ultimately, calcified oxymoronicism.
We may have a man in space, and will be landing in moon soon, with a hypervision to land in Mars. But we have only darkness that had prevailed within a dysfunctional system. The saying goes - Only Malaysian believed that we will be the first to land on the Sun, albeit at night.
No problem Mave. Can buy now. Diploma Rm3k; Degree (overseas....usually Eastern Europe Rm10k max; MBA Rm20k e.g. Preston University (not Princeton please) and Phd Rm50K onwards...depending on the subject....and the good news...can pay by installment. What a bargain!
The willingness to learn is important. But then we cannot measure an individual's willingness, right? Sometimes a person's character comes into play....
I say hor, device a reality Survival show and make all assemblyman take part. There we will see how much character the person has.
A degree? I believe most of the State Exco members could not manage to get a Grade I in their SPM
What qualifications does a railway gatekeeper need to climb in UMNO? If he makes it with a mansion and probably millions to spare, what need is there for a degree?
'force his state exco to get a degree?'
I feel insulted! It took me years! Its not on a shelf in a supermarket! Goes to show the mentality isnt? Get rich quick? Get it fixed quick? Everything has a quickie answer?
Ever wondered why advanced cultures keep their histories and libraires archived?
Education la brader! Bukan degree, its the journey of education la....
to become educated!
next, someone iin umno will "link" with a special and "credible" university overseas (jenis yang kita tak pernah dengar punya) to offer degrees for these umno excos based on their contributions (money, not deeds) and life experiences.
with a bunch of eediots in bn with brains as big as their testicles, so what if they have 1 or more degrees...
Wah, can pay by installment? Which U?
Reality Survival Show? How and who to produce? Kickdefella?
Pak Cosmonaut,
Good Oversea university do not behave as ours do. However, there are some companies which operates in the name of universities but are not.
Free Degree,
Ya, UMNO leaders makes millions and billions without a Degree.
Is it progress for a cannibal to use a fork?
Sebagai orang Islam saya malu melihat Malaysia...
Saya tidak mengira Raja Malaysia yg jg Islam ternyata hanyalah RAJA PENCURI dengan NEGARA PENCURI.
Negara Malaysia yg menerapkan hukum Islam ternyata hanyalah kedok utk menutupi kehinaan negaramu.
Musang berbulu domba atau lebih buruk ULAR BERBISA...
Ya Allah sadarkanlah mahluk laknatmu di Malaysia...
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