A woman made a police report that her 6-year-old son was forced to have oral sex with girls at a welfare home. In her report she claimed that several teenage girls at the welfare home had sexually abused her son by making him perform oral sex for them.
A team of police investigators then went to the Seberang Jaya hospital in Penang (where her son was warded for observation and test) and are ascertaining his anus to validate signs of physical abuses in order to press charges of sodomy.
I love it! Just to show how great our police investigators are! She reported oral sex abuse and they investigated his backside for anal penetration! We are going to the moon and are further planning to go to Mars. We have astronauts programme and wants to be compatible, if not better, than develop countries. But we still can't differentiate oral sex and anal sex...
So, if you want to make a police report on theft, you must state it is rape; if it is rape, you must report murder; if it is murder, you have to report sodomy...if it is sodomy, you must report abuse of power; and if it is abuse of power, you don't report; otherwise you get a black eye.
Oh, if it is judicial conspiracy and corruption, report what? Nothing to report; it's culture, its traditional... its part of the crony system which we had thrived - ask Zam!
I love it! Just to show how great our police investigators are! She reported oral sex abuse and they investigated his backside for anal penetration! We are going to the moon and are further planning to go to Mars. We have astronauts programme and wants to be compatible, if not better, than develop countries. But we still can't differentiate oral sex and anal sex...
So, if you want to make a police report on theft, you must state it is rape; if it is rape, you must report murder; if it is murder, you have to report sodomy...if it is sodomy, you must report abuse of power; and if it is abuse of power, you don't report; otherwise you get a black eye.
Oh, if it is judicial conspiracy and corruption, report what? Nothing to report; it's culture, its traditional... its part of the crony system which we had thrived - ask Zam!
if the a**hole is like the taxi driver's mouth....lately the taxi driver talking too much through his a**hole.....then, yes..you can investigate.
Well, Malaysians police are maybe not very highly sex educated. Still cannot differentiate oral sex and sodomy.
Or maybe they have no case of it's just oral sex. To qualify as a rape case, the person must be violated.
they don't know how in the world to investigate for oral sex so they settled for what they know - sodomy! but this shows how BODOH they are. the mother reported that the GIRLS forced his son to perform oral sex, right. ok forget about them not knowing what oral sex is... but they were girls, how can they 'penetrate' the anus of the little boy?????
oh gee macam macam boleh.
Ahhahahahaha!! This is funny, on all accounts. The stupidity of our police and well the whole piece really.
But hhhmmm....how does one investigates and oral sex case though? Curious. Oh and wait, oral sex does not constitues as a violation? If a person is forced into performing any kinds of sexual acts againts their wishes, isnt that a violation itself?
Send them all to Lin Peh blog for some proper sex education la ! HAHAHAH!
It's the police...
Oral sex ok hor? hehehehe
You are right...the police never thought about it.
Constant Drama,
Any unlawful application of force, other than consent, is a violation. Any sexual acts by under-aged is unlawful, even with consent.
Lin Peh,
I agree that they must be sent to your blog for re-education. But your blog is now in election mode...
I am just rolling my eyes... this and other news from Malaysia has me just avoiding keeping track of goings-on back "home" anymore... letih, penat, tak larat dah... how sad :(
I love your statement...how true!
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