Thursday, October 04, 2007

Tale of Two Cities - For Sale or Hire

Dr BayiSingh has decided to put up his assets for sale.

He has recently put up an advertisement on the subject property.

This is what he wrote to me:

For Sale: can't afford to maintain anymore... high mileage, worn out interior, loud and lots of modifications, used to be fun but now its boring, not very reliable, but stands up to a beating.
Test drivers welcome. Best Offer!

Call Rob A/L BayiSingh @ (905) 822-6381, or

if you want the car, call (416) 753-0744.

If you test drive and face any problem, call 999 (No more 911)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i called but taken already. bopian, got to test drive the car lo...