Energy, Water and Communication Minister Lim Keng Yaik said "There is no guarantee that DiGi will get the 3G spectrum which belongs to Time dotCom because the licence is non-transferable."
DiGi's share price immediately drop 2.4% today, no thanks to Keng Yaik.
The problem with DiGi is that they do not pay homage to the minister. They need to PR a bit lah. The minister is going to retire soon and old man needs a bit of face and ampu...
Ooo... I guess this year, no more ipod Nano for every DiGi staff.
what can the 'saliva minister" do? what khazanah wants, they will get. eat your heart out, minister. you were the one who gave this non-performing entity a licence and they get RM650 million for sitting on their arse. anyway, thats malaysian (oops politician) way of making money.
Is this an attempt to cultivate monopoly? No need to hope for healthy competition to benefit the end-users. It's hyenas world!
whats the problem... just simply give him an advisory role otherwise he can't be rtm ( rehat tunggu mati )
what is the government purpose of giving out 3G license? To encourage entrepreneurial activity, a more vibrant society etc? The 3G license should be given to the highest bidder with the right qualification. Right qualification as in deep pocket and technical know how to develop the 3G market. If too much money is spent on acquiring the license like earlier bidders in other countries, nothing is left to roll out the 3G network which does not come cheap by any standard.
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