I'm not sure whether the Malays are afraid of what. But as a Chinese, I'm surely afraid; afraid of UMNO, afraid of ISA, afraid of ACA, afraid of police, afraid of organized crime syndicates, afraid of Keris, and afraid of the weak government we have.

The fear that taxes had to be increased to fill-up the leaking treasury and bulimic ministers.
PKFZ is $4.6b leakages; Sukhoi is another $3b; and now with the 4-zonal corridors which is expected to cost more than $400b, I am afraid the country would be robbed or castrated.

Crooked bridge project termination had caused us $292 million compensation claim. Broga incinerator project which is also terminated is facing a claim of some $500 million.

There are so many failed projects, and we also have so many extremely lucrative projects being privatized.
On top of these, we have avalanche of leakages at the government departments, ministries and local councils as can be observed in the Auditor-general's report for each successive year, over the last decades. Corruption in all the uniform forces, civil services and local councils are so eminent and now Rela is also partaking in the spoils. Even school administrators are having a good time.

Tax payers and Petronas!
Income tax collections exceeds $60 billion annually, and Petronas contributions are between $30-$40 billion annually. Other taxes and duties, and foreign borrowings adds on to the economic hemorrhages.
This problems alone wouldn't make me fear. After all, my contribution on taxes is negligible overall. But the fear stems from the fact that, in order to answer to any queries or to sidetrack the people, the government and UMNO had to create issues from moth hill.
So, there is a need to for racial divide. Religion is also used widely to cause fear to a particular community. NEP and other rhetorics are used to justify excesses of the coterie.
In the next few days, the keris is a necessary tool to indoctrinate and orientate. It's not about fear, it's about duress and coercion. It's about the hungry ghosts convention...
This is what Michael Backman had to say:
"Ramadan has just ended and once again Malaysia has been treated to the spectacle of government ministers and other officials fasting and playing the pious Muslim on the one hand and stealing from their fellow Malaysians on the other."
"One might ask what on earth the Finance Minister has been doing in the face of all this waste and theft. Or,indeed, even who is the Finance Minister? Extraordinarily, it is Abdullah. In a break with tradition, he occupies that post as well as being Prime Minister. The firings should start with him."
"After all, it's not as if Malaysia has a shortfall of ministers. On the contrary, Malaysia has no fewer than 72 ministers and deputy ministers at the federal level (excluding parliamentary secretaries; it will be more than 92 if included). By way of comparison, Australia has 32 ministers and assistant ministers. Is the quality of public administration in Malaysia more than twice as good as in Australia? Let the facts speak for themselves."
"Malaysia is truly at a cross-roads. It has many good people with great potential but it is slipping beneath the waves of mediocrity, weighed down by officials intent on an orgy of plunder while the ship's captain stands idly by."
Note: Does it take an Australian to remind us of our state of despair?"One might ask what on earth the Finance Minister has been doing in the face of all this waste and theft. Or,indeed, even who is the Finance Minister? Extraordinarily, it is Abdullah. In a break with tradition, he occupies that post as well as being Prime Minister. The firings should start with him."
"After all, it's not as if Malaysia has a shortfall of ministers. On the contrary, Malaysia has no fewer than 72 ministers and deputy ministers at the federal level (excluding parliamentary secretaries; it will be more than 92 if included). By way of comparison, Australia has 32 ministers and assistant ministers. Is the quality of public administration in Malaysia more than twice as good as in Australia? Let the facts speak for themselves."
"Malaysia is truly at a cross-roads. It has many good people with great potential but it is slipping beneath the waves of mediocrity, weighed down by officials intent on an orgy of plunder while the ship's captain stands idly by."
I truly am saddened by this. This is all bullshit. Where will all these take us? One day Malaysians will wake up and realize that we are all living in a state of poverty....except for the politicians coz they're the ones sucking it all out from us.
"who is the Finance Minister? Extraordinarily, it is Abdullah. In a break with tradition, he occupies that post as well as being Prime Minister. The firings should start with him."
Don't worry man; not just yet, as long as crude oil in Malaysia is still pumping, we should be alright; but it will only last for another...... 15 years ?
they afraid? its not that...
its just that they don't have the balls to step out of their tempurung,
forever hiding their head under the nep sarong.
should hishamuddin unsheathed his keris this time, damned to all chinese who still vote for bn/mca
Mr Michael Backman,
I wonder what Aussies would do if John Howard were to garner all 3 posts of PM, Finance Minister AND Internal Security Minister all at the same time. (And all these while proprogating a new cult called "Civilizational Christianity" for the world.)
Would he have died of heart failure/stress long ago?
hishamuddin wouldn't be unsheathing his keris this time around--- he'll be dropping his sarung and brandishing his hairy king cobra to the whole assembly
coming from a family full of racists & hiding behind khairy sarung...
you think he got a king cobra?... 'cacing lonkang' la...
Does it take an Australian to remind us of our state of despair?
my answer: looking at the trend of getting ang moh and favouring their insight more.. then perhaps the answer is YES?
damn pathetic la!
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